新葡京 為了推廣環保

澳門優惠 為了推廣環保 0

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為了推廣環保,世界自然基金會(WWF)自2007年起每年三月最後一個星期六會號召全世界參與「地球一小時」(Earth Hour)世界關燈日的活動,以提升大眾對氣候變遷的關注,重視環保永續的議題。為響應「地球一小時」,新葡京酒店於3月27日晚上8時30分至9時30分,將酒店外牆裝飾燈、大螢幕電視及非必要的照明設備關掉一小時,以行動支持,一起節能減碳愛地球。

For environmental protection purposes, since 2007, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has been calling for Earth Hour on the last Saturday every March to switch off lights in the hopes of raising awareness on climate change and environmental sustainability. To participate in this year’s Earth Hour, between 20:30 and 21:30 on 27 March, Grand Lisboa Hotel will turn off its decorative and nonessential lighting, as well as the large screen to protect our environment with real action.

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資料來源: 新葡京

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