君悅酒店 母親節獻禮 Mother s Day Specials優惠


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【母親節獻禮 Mother’s Day Specials】
在這特別的節日,寵享我們為您準備最好的慶祝活動,悅度母親節! 優惠已登陸電子禮券商店。
On this special day, we have prepared the best for your Mother’s Day celebration! Offers are available at our e-voucher store.

大堂酒廊 Lobby Lounge
-母親節禮盒 Mother’s Day Gift Set
-母親節午市套餐 Mother’s Day Set Lunch
餐牌詳情 Menu: https://bit.ly/3xIuBcQ
+853 8868 1131

mezza9 Macau
母親節與廚共饗 (午餐/ 晚餐)
Mother’s Day Dining from the Kitchen (Lunch / Dinner)
+853 8868 1920 / https://bit.ly/3Me8aR0

滿堂彩 Beijing Kitchen
母親節套餐 Mother’s Day Menu
餐牌詳情 Menu: https://bit.ly/3JZetq2
+853 8868 1930 / https://bit.ly/3L65ULq

電子禮券商店 E-voucher store
-母親節香薰按摩優惠 Mother’s Day Special Package
-母親節與廚共饗 (午餐) Mother’s Day Dining from the Kitchen (Lunch)

Follow us on Instagram and WeChat:
Instagram: grandhyattmacau
WeChat: 澳门君悦酒店

#GrandHyattMacau #GrandHyatt #澳門君悅酒店 #GoGrand


資料來源: 君悅酒店

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