君悅酒店 大堂酒廊為您精心挑選一系列蘇格蘭威士忌及純麥牙威士忌與您共慶世界威士忌日半價優惠

澳門優惠 大堂酒廊為您精心挑選一系列蘇格蘭威士忌及純麥牙威士忌與您共慶世界威士忌日半價優惠 0

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大堂酒廊為您精心挑選一系列蘇格蘭威士忌及純麥牙威士忌與您共慶世界威士忌日,即日起至4月30日,以低至半價優惠品味木桶及麥芽交織而成複雜獨特、醇厚馥郁的口感及味道。立即預訂,沉醉在醇美的佳釀中: +853 88681131

Join us to celebrate International Whisky Day at Lobby Lounge! Starting from today to April 30, experience the rich complexity and fragrance of our selection - Scotch blended whiskies and single malt whiskies with up to 50% off by glass or bottle. Book your table with us now: +853 8868 1131

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Instagram: grandhyattmacau
WeChat: 澳门君悦酒店

#GrandHyattMacau #GrandHyatt #澳門君悅酒店 #GoGrand #LobbyLounge #大堂酒廊


資料來源: 君悅酒店

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