新濠 全城期盼的澳門最大型水上樂園 現已矚目登場買2送1優惠

澳門優惠 全城期盼的澳門最大型水上樂園 現已矚目登場買2送1優惠 0

澳門優惠 全城期盼的澳門最大型水上樂園 現已矚目登場買2送1優惠 1

澳門優惠 全城期盼的澳門最大型水上樂園 現已矚目登場買2送1優惠 2

=> 更多優惠在IG

#全城期盼的澳門最大型水上樂園 現已矚目登場!

玩水的季節到了!為了讓大家盡情享受盛夏,新濠影滙為「新濠風尚」會員大派福利,送上三大期間限定活動,迎接 #水上樂園狂歡大派對!!!

即日起至5月29日期間,「新濠風尚」會員將自動參與 #每週一次的幸運大抽獎,#每週豪派88份獎品,贏取 #水上樂園玩樂之旅、#水上樂園2022年泳季通行證、#新濠換樂錢 等,讓你開開心享受夏日。

活動2 :
1. 標準門票只需澳門幣288
2. 小童門票只需澳門幣259*
3. 標準門票買2送1*,三人同行只需澳門幣776元,即可玩轉全場

標準門票原價 : 澳門幣388
小童門票原價 : 澳門幣288

活動3 :
1. 找到水上樂園場內印有「新濠風尚」字樣的沙灘波或是道具
2. 與印有「新濠風尚」字樣的 #沙灘波 或是 #道具 於在場內當眼位置拍照上載至社交媒體平台,標註 #MelcoStyle 或 #新濠風尚
3. 前往室外泳池接待處出示已上載的照片及微信會員卡,即可換領價值澳門幣98的精美電話防水袋一個


五月週週抽好禮: https://mel.qrd.by/wkuvcj

會員水上樂園優惠價: https://mel.qrd.by/1fypxd

會員獨家打卡激賞禮: https://mel.qrd.by/1fypxd

Macaus most thrilling Water Park reopens !

Its time for a water party! Let’s enjoy the summer to the fullest, as #StudioCity offers three activities for Melco Style members to welcome the water park’s carnival !!!

Activity 1:
From now to May 29, #MelcoStyleMembers can automatically enter the #GoldenMayWeeklySweepstakes with #88WeeklyPrizes await you. Fabulous prizes such as luxury Water Park Staycation Packages, Water Park 2022 Season Pass, City Cash Voucher, and more.

From now to June 30, Melco Style member can enjoy below exclusive offers:
1. Standard ticket only MOP 288
2. Child ticket only MOP 259*
3. Buy 2 get 1 free* for standard tickets, only MOP 776 for three people

Standard Ticket original price: Mop 388
Child Ticket original price: Mop 288
*Only available at ticket office

From now to June 30, an exclusive gift is prepared for Melco Style members visiting Water Park. Simply follow below steps:
1. Hunt an imprinted Melco Style logo #BeachBall or a Melco Style #Prop at Water Park
2. Use those Melco Style Beach Ball or Prop, take a photo with it in front of Water Park iconic attractions, upload to social media platform and hashtag #MelcoStyle
3. Show your uploaded post and WeChat membership card at the Outdoor Pool Reception to redeem a beautiful waterproof phone case (worth MOP 98)

Dont miss out on any surprises and discounts. Register for Melco Style membership to win massive gifts and visit the most exciting water park at the best price!
Register Now: https://mel.qrd.by/4glvtw

Golden May Weekly Sweepstakes: https://mel.qrd.by/wkuvcj

Water Park Membership Benefits: https://mel.qrd.by/1fypxd

Melco Style Member Exclusive: https://mel.qrd.by/1fypxd

#濠玩濠食 #melcostylerewards


資料來源: 新濠

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