澳門觀光塔 齊來狂歡推廣

澳門優惠 齊來狂歡推廣 0

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【齊來狂歡!墨西哥經典美食音樂 + 敲打皮納塔玩偶】

大家仲記唔記得迪士尼動畫《玩轉極樂園》嘅精彩畫面?故事嘅背景正正發生喺墨西哥嘅 5.5 節!根據傳統習俗,大家會載歌載舞、扮成鬼怪去迎接依一日嘅來臨! #澳門旅遊塔 亦將充滿傳統特色嘅節日帶過嚟 #皇家葡萄餚,齊齊「玩轉墨西哥派對」!當日除咗有多款墨西哥經典美食、現場音樂表演之外,仲有當地嘅節慶儀式 - 敲打皮納塔 (Piñata) 活動,就好似將真正嘅墨西哥 5.5 節呈現大家眼前一樣〜如果想氣氛更加濃厚嘅話,仲可以加購 3 小時無限暢飲服務,一路盡情吃喝、一路忘我玩樂…咁豐富嘅派對,大家又點可以錯過喎?

皇家葡萄餚 - 玩轉墨西哥派對
成人:MOP 228* /位,小童 MOP 138* /位
推廣日期:2022 年 5 月 5 日

套餐 A(加購MOP 80)- 紅白酒、西班牙水果酒 (Sangria) 、汽水及果汁
套餐 B(加購MOP 180)- 紅白酒、西班牙水果酒 (Sangria) 、啤酒、烈酒 (Tequila) 、雞尾酒 (Margarita & Mojito) 、汽水及果汁



【Join the Fun!Mexican Classical Food & Music + Beat the Piñata】

Do you recall the vibrant scenes in《Coco》which was set during the Mexican Cinco de Mayo event? According to tradition, everyone dances and disguises in different costumes to welcome this event! #TrombaRija at #MacauTower will host a Fun-fill Mexican Party for you to experience the Mexican classical delicacies and live music! Part of the fun is the local ritual - Piñata - for you to feel the real Mexican ambience! Dont forget to upgrade to the 3-hour free-flow of drinks to enjoy a combo of good drinks and wonderful party!

Tromba Rija - Fun-fill Mexican Party
MOP 228* /adult, MOP 138* /child
Promotional period: 5 May 2022

3-hour free-flow of selected drinks
Package A (additional cost - MOP 80): House wines – Red & White, Sangria, Soft drink and Juice
Package B (additional cost - MOP 180): House wines – Red & White, Sangria, Beer, Tequila, Margarita, Mojito, Soft drink and Juice

Link for reservation and more details:

*All prices subject to a 10% service charge, excluding drinks


資料來源: 澳門觀光塔

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