澳門觀光塔 有 糉 選擇 叫做南湖明月嘅早鳥優惠62折

澳門優惠 有 糉 選擇 叫做南湖明月嘅早鳥優惠62折 0

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【有「糉」選擇 叫做南湖明月嘅早鳥優惠】

說時遲那時快,下個月就係端午節啦!市面上有咁多唔同選擇嘅節日靚糉,大家又諗好揀邊「糉」未?未嘅話,不妨買 #南湖明月 嘅 #端午名糉套票 啦〜只要由即日起至 5 月 15 號期間經 e - shop 預訂,即可以用早鳥優惠 MOP 288(62 折)買到 3 款各有特色嘅靚糉,除咗有上乘靚料嘅「黑松露櫻花蝦鹵肉糉」同餡料十足嘅「瑤柱裹蒸糉」之外,仲有綠茶控必食嘅「有機藜麥綠茶蜂蜜糉」。一 set 足料又優惠嘅節日美食,唔買就走寶啦!

早鳥優惠:端午名糉套票 MOP 288(原價:MOP 464)
黑松露櫻花蝦鹵肉糉 - 1 隻
瑤柱裹蒸糉 - 1 隻
有機藜麥綠茶蜂蜜糉 - 1 隻

推廣日期:由即日起至 5 月 15 日
領取地點:南湖明月 - #澳門旅遊塔 會展娛樂中心 3樓
領取日期:2022 年 5 月 23 至 6 月 2 日

【Why Not Come to Lua Azul to Enjoy the Early-bird Offer? 】

Time flies! Are you looking forward to the Dragon Boat Festival next month? Different types of festival rice dumplings are available for your choice. Have you made up your mind yet? If not, why not buy the #LuaAzul Dragon Boat Festival #DumplingPackage ? Reserve via e - shop from now on till 15 May then you can purchase 3 types of specialty rice dumplings including the Black truffle with Iberico pork belly and Japanese shrimps dumpling made with fine ingredients, the Conpoy, roasted duck and pork belly dumpling stuffed with rich ingredients and the Organic quinoa green tea paste with honey dumpling for green-tea lovers! Enjoy all 3 tastes by purchasing 1 set. Why wait? Come now!

Early-bird Offer Lua Azul Dragon Boat Festival Dumpling Package MOP 288 (Original price MOP 464)
Black truffle with Iberico pork belly and Japanese shrimps (1 piece)
Conpoy, roasted duck and pork belly (1 piece)
Organic quinoa green tea paste with honey (1 piece)

Online booking:
Promotional Period: From now on till 15 May
Pick-up Time: Lua Azul - Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Centre (3rd floor)
Pick-up Date; 23 May - 2 June, 2022


資料來源: 澳門觀光塔

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