澳門大倉 和庭餐廳 五月全新午市套餐讓你滋味滿分優惠

澳門優惠 和庭餐廳 五月全新午市套餐讓你滋味滿分優惠 0

澳門優惠 和庭餐廳 五月全新午市套餐讓你滋味滿分優惠 1

澳門優惠 和庭餐廳 五月全新午市套餐讓你滋味滿分優惠 2

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#和庭餐廳 五月全新午市套餐讓你滋味滿分!前菜三重奏包含健康清新嘅藜麥羽衣甘藍蘋果沙律,主菜除咗有燒牛腹肉配胡椒汁或烤鴨胸配橙花蜜汁,鐘意食海鮮嘅你仲可以選擇蒜香白蜆意粉等,最後以清甜芳香嘅蘋果玫瑰撻為你晏晝嘅工作補充滿滿動力!請致電+853 8883 5126 訂座為你的五月註入能量!套餐更可享折扣優惠,優惠需受條款及細則約束。

Set lunch menu at #TerraceRestaurant this May begins with sumptuous appetizer trio of Kale salad with apple and quinoa, Avocado toast with smoked salmon and soft boiled egg and Potato leek soup. Main course offers a wide selection such as Grilled beef hanging tender, Roast duck breast, Spaghetti alle vongole and more. The aromatic Apple rose tart is the perfect complement to your afternoon. Discount is applicable to set lunch. Call +853 8883 5126 for inquiries and reservations. *Terms and conditions apply.
For menu and details:

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資料來源: 澳門大倉

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