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【相約朋友 分享滋味一刻】
趁住今個週末,約埋朋友一齊去 #北膳樓 同 #風味小館 相聚兼歎最新推介美食啦!

大連地理位置優越,當地嘅海產亦更豐富鮮美,北膳樓選用了大連鮑魚、帶子、蟶子、響螺等一系列極品 #海鮮,由擅長烹調東北菜嘅主廚范師傅帶領團隊,推出大連海鮮滙作招牌菜 – 什錦涼拌活鮑片及波士頓龍蝦燉白菜等!鍾情食海鮮嘅你又點可以錯過!

風味小館作為澳門唯一 #米芝蓮二星 川湘餐廳 #風味居 嘅姊妹餐廳,一直以正宗湘川菜式作為主打,最近更推出限時特惠套餐回饋食客午市套餐由澳門元98起!


位置:#澳門銀河 地面 (近 #銀河酒店 大堂東翼)


【New Ways to Relish the Joy of Sharing Food】
#GalaxyMacau has expanded its food offerings with two new sharing options including #BeiShanLou’s Dalian #Seafood Showcase, the perfect way to reel in new friends and get hooked on the sweetest abalones, scallops and other premium catches from the waters of Northern China. If you want some spicy flavor, embark on the ultimate Spicy Journey to Hunan and Sichuan as you savor #FengWeiHouse’s new lunch and dinner sets featuring regional classics at affordable prices from MOP98. Gather your crowd now!

Bei Shan Lou:https://www.galaxymacau.com/TkJRaGRgrv
Location: G/F, Galaxy Macau (near Galaxy Hotel Lobby)

Feng Wei House:https://www.galaxymacau.com/zlScZorcL1
Location: Galaxy Macau, G/F, G040A

#舌尖品亞洲峰味聚銀河 #澳門美食 #東北美食 #湘川菜式 #1diningdestination #ABiteofGalaxy #macaufood #macaufoodie #NorthernDelights #HunanCuisine #SichuanCuisine #spicyfood


資料來源: 銀河

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