英皇娛樂酒店 粽香情濃 賀端陽 端午節快到優惠


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【🏻 粽香情濃 賀端陽 】端午節快到,皇廷閣自家製足料靚粽子隆重登場!除了鮮美可口的 #瑤柱裹蒸粽、 #家鄉鹹肉粽外,仲有香氣四溢、軟糯綿密的 #蓮蓉梘水粽。包含三款粽的英皇禮盒裝低至MOP258,包裝精緻高雅,送禮自奉心水禮饌。5月29日預購更可享9折優惠,預購數量越多折扣越多。

立即預訂:+853 2838 9988

【🏻 Festive Redolence 】To celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, Grand Emperor Court offers you the savoury rice dumplings made with selective ingredients. The Deluxe Rice Dumpling Pack is perfect for your beloved friends and family. It includes three flavours, one of each kind, and is now at a discounted price of MOP258. You can enjoy a 10% off Early Bird Discount and an amazing Volume Discount up to 30% off, by pre-ordering on or before 29 May.

Pre-order Now: +853 2838 3322


資料來源: 英皇娛樂酒店

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