永利 WynnShopping 在520 表達濃情愛意禮物

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【#WynnShopping 在520表達濃情愛意】
Shower in Love on 520

想在520為另一半製造浪漫驚喜?Prada 全新推出的男女裝系列或許能讓你得到愛侶的歡心。作為意大利時裝典範,設計著重經典品牌特質與細節。新系列以「現代」、「流行」及夏季鮮豔奪目的色彩元素,令每位穿上都自信滿溢!在 #永利皇宮 專門店選購愛的禮物!https://bit.ly/3yMeQlA

In search of a charming and timeless gift for your love on the special day of May 20 ? The day “520” sounds phonetically close to “I Love You” in Mandarin Chinese, making it an idyllic day to impress and surprise your significant other with Prada’s latest collection for both men and women. The iconic Italian high fashion house reinvents its key visual traits in a contemporary language. Introducing the collection by infusing summer pop and vivid colors, to the label’s classic imagery and delicate details .

Discover the collection for your beloved one at Wynn Palace! https://bit.ly/3MixaqJ

#WynnPalace #Prada #MacauFashion #WynnFashion


資料來源: 永利

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