銀河 全新CHA BEI 春夏花香下午茶派對優惠

澳門優惠 全新CHA BEI 春夏花香下午茶派對優惠 0

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【全新CHA BEI 春夏花香下午茶派對】
迎接春夏來臨,除咗要換上新裝,仲要記得換上Summer & Spring嘅香水,咁就真係全身上下都準備好夏天嘅來臨啦!需要今季香水靈感?不如約埋BFF嚟 #澳門銀河 享受 #CHABEI 春夏花香下午茶派對,融合Jo Malone London香氣啟程,以花香作為創作藍本,變出一系列精緻茶點,帶大家走入地中海嘅世界,為CHA BEI下午茶派對添上春夏色彩!下午茶必試蜂巢造型嘅檸檬蜂蜜蘋果蛋糕及經典茶點英式鬆餅及法式瑪德琳。配合茶師精心挑選嘅花香茗茶或咖啡師即席沖泡嘅巴西咖啡,以一杯coffee or tea為下午茶畫上完美句號,臨走前記得帶走下午茶尊享嘅Jo Malone London香氛體驗服務及換領產品體驗套裝,仲即時享有購物禮遇!同好姐妹歎完下午茶就去門市購物,一日行程以此作結,相信必定係最好嘅週末節目!

以上下午茶只需澳門元528+ (兩位用) ,由即日起至6月15日 (逢星期二至五),首150位以工銀澳門銀河信用卡預訂更可享優惠價澳門元388+ (兩位用)!立即致電+853 8883 2221訂座啦!

【Brand New: CHA BEI Floral Afternoon Par-Tea】
Grab your BFF to #GalaxyMacau to savor a floral afternoon Par-Tea at CHA BEI, featuring fragrance from Jo Malone London with the scent of its latest Sardinian Blossoms collection. The lemon honey apple cake in the shape of a beehive will give you all the buzz, completing the Par-Tea with our tea master’s pick of floral teas or coffee from Brazil! Guests will be able to enjoy a Scent Pairing Discovery Service and redeem a Fragrance Discovery Set as well as special shopping privileges from Jo Malone London.

#AfternoonTea for two is at MOP528+. First 150 reservations made upon ICBC Galaxy Macau Credit Card can enjoy an exclusive privilege of afternoon tea set at MOP388+ for two from now till June 15 (Tue – Fri). Call +853 8883 2221 to reserve your table now!

#舌尖品亞洲峰味聚銀河 #澳門銀河 #澳門美食 #下午茶 #1diningdestination #ABiteofGalaxy #gathering #聚會


資料來源: 銀河

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