澳門觀光塔 開揚嘅宴會場地推廣

澳門優惠 開揚嘅宴會場地推廣 0

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開揚嘅宴會場地?傳統精緻嘅中式佳餚?以上要求〜 #澳門旅遊塔 嘅 #宴會廳 通通都有 #澳門旅遊塔 推出「2022 社團宴會套餐」,提供一個有體面又五臟俱全嘅宴會場地俾大家舉辦 #周年晚會 或者 #社團活動! #旅遊塔 準備咗多款唔同嘅星級菜單比大家選擇,除咗可以享受美味可口嘅中式佳餚,預訂套餐仲送每枱一支精選紅酒俾大家現場飲用!依家只要預訂 25 席或以上就立即升級至無限暢飲服務,等大家盡情享受宴會當晚嘅星級滋味〜

推廣期:即日起至 2022 年 11 月 30 日(澳門公眾假期除外)

:8988 8870
[email protected]

Looking for a spacious venue providing delicate Chinese cuisines for your gatherings ? Come to the #Banquet Hall at #MacauTower to get the 2022 Associate Package which is suitable for annual dinners & association events Macau Tower provides various signature menus for your choices including delicious Chinese dishes and a complimentary bottle of red wine for each table for your enjoyment on the spot! Dont miss the free upgrade to free-flow of drinks by reserving up to 25 tables!

Promotional period: From now on till 30 Nov 2022 (except Macau public holidays)

Enquiries & reservation
:8988 8870
[email protected]


資料來源: 澳門觀光塔

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