漁人碼頭 澳門漁人碼頭 漁樂大激賞優惠

澳門優惠 澳門漁人碼頭 漁樂大激賞優惠 0

澳門優惠 澳門漁人碼頭 漁樂大激賞優惠 1

澳門優惠 澳門漁人碼頭 漁樂大激賞優惠 2

澳門優惠 澳門漁人碼頭 漁樂大激賞優惠 3

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【Macau Fisherman’s Wharf • VR x Wharf Arcade Exclusive Promotion】
Discover VR fun at Macau Fishermans Wharf, take advantage of Wharf Arcades exclusive offer to have fun this second half year!
Spend at any of our restaurants or shops before 31 December and redeem the VR-Arcade package for a discounted price of MOP130. The package includes 2 VR activities of your choice and 10 game tokens of Wharf Arcade. Come hang out with your friends for this all-inclusive summer experience!

*Receipts are only valid within 3 days from the date of purchase
*Each receipt can only be used once and must be stamped after redemption to indicate invalidity
*Each receipt is limited to 4 sets of VR-Arcade package
*This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts
*Terms and conditions apply

營業時間 Operation Hours: 週二至日及節假日; Tuesday –Sunday & Holiday: 12:00 - 20:00
*休館日遇公眾假期則順延至翌日; *Closed on the following day if a public holiday falls on Monday
電話 Tel: (853) 8299 3388
地址Address: 澳門漁人碼頭會議展覽中心14至18E舖 Shop 14-18E; Convention and Exhibition Centre, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf

#澳門漁人碼頭 #虛擬現實體驗館 #獎賞 #消費 #優惠 #漁樂大激賞 #免費泊車 #MacauFishermansWharf #VRZONEMACAU #Exclusive #Spending #Discount #WharfArcadeExclusive #FreeParking


資料來源: 漁人碼頭

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