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【八大名菜 甲殼海鮮篇:金秋鮮美盛宴】
秋天迎嚟各式各樣嘅時令湖海河鮮,#星際酒店 嘅名廚以八大傳統烹飪手法呈現各種海鮮嘅爽甜鮮美!9月份 #蘇浙滙 為大家帶嚟 #紹酒波士頓龍蝦溜三白🦞龍蝦鮮甜彈牙,蛋白嫩滑清新,竹筍爽脆鮮味,三款食材,三種獨特口感!

由米芝蓮二星 #風味居 陳植強師傅特製嘅 #洞庭口味蝦 喺湖南嘅著名地道菜,香辣鮮濃。#丹桂軒 粵式 #鮮花椒炒鳳尾蝦 香辣中帶鮮甜,令你回味無窮!鹹菜🥬喺閩菜嘅傳統食材,#珍味館 用來炮製 #漳港鹹菜煮花龍蝦,鮮味嘅湯汁絕對令人胃口大開!

立即訂座:+853 2838 3838

【Eight Great Cuisines – It’s Shellfish Season!】
Autumn, the season of harvest, brings with it an array of plump, delicious seafood. Our chefs have selected this season’s finest lobsters🦞, prawns, abalone and crabs to present you delicious dishes in eight traditional styles. Whether paired with vegetable🥬 or meat, our star ingredients always shine with their outstanding flavor and texture. Reserve your table at #JadedeJardin, #FengWeiJu, #Laurel and #Sensations today!

Enjoy up to 20% discount plus extra MOP50 off with your ICBC Galaxy Macau Credit Card!
Experience what Autumn has to offer from now till September 30!
Book Now: +853 2838 3838
Learn More: https: https://www.starworldmacau.com/VNjaFsym1R/

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資料來源: 銀河

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