銀河 銀河藝萃 全新藝術展即將登場 誠邀您來開啟一場衝擊視覺的藝術之旅免費

澳門優惠 銀河藝萃 全新藝術展即將登場 誠邀您來開啟一場衝擊視覺的藝術之旅免費 0

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【「銀河藝萃」全新藝術展即將登場】誠邀您來開啟一場衝擊視覺的藝術之旅,感受被強烈色彩和豐富情感所包圍的藝術體驗! 9月27日約定您!
地點:「銀河藝萃」- 時尚匯購物中心一樓1067-1069號舖 (翡翠大堂乘扶手電梯往一樓)

[New Exhibition at #GalaxyArt Coming Soon] Embark on an art journey that will immerse you in a vibrant symphony of color and emotion. See you on September 27!
Address: GalaxyArt – Shop 1067-1069, 1/F, The Promenade Shops (Take the Jade Lobby escalator to 1/F)

展覽預告 - 【5 a.m.】油畫展


「銀河藝萃」全新展覽【5 a.m.】,紀錄了藝術家在凌晨五時第一縷晨光照進工作室前,如何在畫布上舒展靈感的創作歷程。

展覽展示了40多件從1990年代橫跨至2020年代於澳門創作的作品。本地藝術家 - #袁偉業 長期專注於油畫媒體,在不斷創作的過程中建立起一套個人藝術語言。



Upcoming Show – “5 a.m.” Oil Painting Exhibition

For most, 5 a.m. is a dream time of sleep and rejuvenation. For artists, it is their peaceful time for reflection and clarity.

For the stories told in the brand-new exhibition, “5 a.m.”, it is that one to two hours at the change of light when the artist parks himself in front of the canvas in his studio when his journey begins…

It showcases a collection of more than 40 oil paintings by local artist Yuen Wai-Ip, dating between 1990s and 2020s.

The exhibition is on from 27 September until 5 February next year. Admission is free and visitors of all ages are welcome!

#銀河藝萃 #銀娛基金會 #澳門銀河 #油畫展 #5am #GalaxyArt #GEGFoundation #GalaxyMacau #OilPainting


資料來源: 銀河

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