澳門觀光塔 澳門旅遊塔 Drive Thru送餐到車服務8折優惠

澳門優惠 澳門旅遊塔 Drive Thru送餐到車服務8折優惠 0

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澳門旅遊塔 Drive Thru送餐到車服務
想在任何地方都能享受澳門旅遊塔美食?從即日起,Café on 4、南湖明月、皇家葡萄餚及Patisserie將提供送餐到車服務(Drive Through service),客人只需於網上預訂並於每日下午 6 時至晚上 7 時,駕車到澳門旅遊塔指定地點取餐,就能將美饌輕鬆帶到任何地方。

#1 選擇你的餐點,點擊「立即購買」。即日訂單必須於當日下午 5:45 之前下單。

#2 下單成功後,你將會收到訂單確認郵件,然後你可以於取餐時段(下午6時至晚上7時)駕車到澳門旅遊塔正門入口指定地點。

#3 當你即將或已經抵達時,可以致電 8988 8709,我們的員工將會把餐點送到你車上!

於Drive Thru送餐到車服務推出後第一個月內訂餐,均可享有8折優惠!!

Gourmet Drive Thru@ Macau Tower
“Drive Thru Service” offers a special selection of dishes by Café on 4, Lua Azul, Tromba Rija and Patisserie, you can conveniently pick up your order every day, between 6pm and 7pm, at Macau Tower driveway.

3 Easy Steps
#1 Select your dishes online. Place your order. Same day pick up is available for orders placed before 17:45.

#2 You will receive a confirmation email, and you can come to pick up your meals from 18:00 to 19:00.

#3 Call 89888 709 when you are on way or arrived and our staff will deliver your order to your car!

“First month 20% off discount”
Enjoy our Drive Thru delicacies with a 20% off discount during the first month of this service.
Promotion period: 7 Nov to 6 Dec 2022


資料來源: 澳門觀光塔

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