銀河 品嘗銀河煲仔峰味推廣

澳門優惠 品嘗銀河煲仔峰味推廣 0

澳門優惠 品嘗銀河煲仔峰味推廣 1

澳門優惠 品嘗銀河煲仔峰味推廣 2

澳門優惠 品嘗銀河煲仔峰味推廣 3

澳門優惠 品嘗銀河煲仔峰味推廣 4

澳門優惠 品嘗銀河煲仔峰味推廣 5

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踏入秋冬時節,來一鍋熱騰騰的 #煲仔菜 是必需的!#澳門銀河 五大餐廳—— #北膳樓 、#百樂潮州酒樓 、 #銀河氹仔漁村、 #彭慶記 及 #鹿港小鎮 ——以時令海鮮、臘味、海味珍饈等炮製各種風味的煲仔菜,魯東北、潮式、蜑家、順德、台式及港澳地道美食任君選擇,原汁原味奉上,滋補、養顏又暖身!預訂電話:+853 8883 2221

北膳樓 - 滋補羊腩鍋

百樂潮州酒樓 - 潮式紅燜白鳝煲

銀河氹仔漁村 - 豉蒜涼瓜炆奄仔蟹煲

彭慶記 - 辣椒餅肉排啫腸粉煲

鹿港小鎮 - 美人花膠雞湯鍋

推廣日期: 2022年11月17 日至2023年1月18日
了解更多: https://www.galaxymacau.com/zh-hant/y9WTCBYih8/

【Sizzling Clay Pot Dishes at Galaxy Macau】
Fend off the chill with some sizzling #ClayPotDishes as the cold approaches! #GalaxyMacau presents to you from our finest Chinese cuisines Bei Shan Lou, Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant, Galaxy Macau Tam Chai Yu Chun, Pang’s Kitchen and Lugang Cafe using the freshest seafood, preserved meat and the various delicacies creating each signature clay pot dish with flavors from all around China!

Enjoy the best comfort food this winter at Galaxy Macau, reserve your table now at +853 8883 2221.

Selected Signature Dishes
Bei Shan Lou – Stewed Mutton in Iron Pot
Mutton is believed to warm the body during the colder months. Our chefs stew mutton with white turnip to retain the natural robust flavors.

Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant – Chiu Chow Style Braised Eel in Clay Pot
Eel is braised with roasted pork belly and other spices to impart robust flavor and irresistible aroma in this tasty winter dish.

Galaxy Macau Tam Chai Yu Chun – Braised Virgin Crab and Bitter Melon with Black Bean and Garlic
Virgin crab of the season is combined with homemade garlic sauce and bitter melon to exemplifies the sweetness of the shellfish.

Pang’s Kitchen - Sizzling Pork Ribs with Chili in Clay Pot
This sizzling dish is a tasty way to beat winter lethargy. The strong, bold flavors of the preserved chili paste is giving this delectable dish a pungent kick.

Lugang Cafe - Chicken Soup with Fish Maw in Clay Pot
Chicken is simmered with fish maw to make a nourishing golden broth that braces the body against the cold.

Promotion Period: Nov 17, 2022 to Jan 18, 2023
For more details: https://www.galaxymacau.com/y9WTCBYih8/

#舌尖品亞洲峰味聚銀河 #澳門美食 #冬季美食 #澳門 #暖笠笠系列 #1diningdestination #ABiteofGalaxy #macaufood #macaufoodie #BeishanLou #PakLohChiuChowRestaurant #GalaxyMacauTamChaiYuChun #PangsKitchen #LugangCafe


資料來源: 銀河

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