英皇娛樂酒店 11月這個消費的月份75折優惠

澳門優惠 11月這個消費的月份75折優惠 0

澳門優惠 11月這個消費的月份75折優惠 1

澳門優惠 11月這個消費的月份75折優惠 2

澳門優惠 11月這個消費的月份75折優惠 3

澳門優惠 11月這個消費的月份75折優惠 4

澳門優惠 11月這個消費的月份75折優惠 5

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11月這個消費的月份,飯聚會特別多,所以我們也推出多款全新菜式供大家選擇。【皇廷閣】晚市推出的大閘蟹龍蝦火鍋,等你同一大班朋友齊齊分享;【御廚】增添多款美味行政午餐,包括肉味澎湃的煎西班牙黑毛豬鞍配燒汁、皮脆肉嫩的香煎銀鰽魚柳拌薑味蕃茄蓉、以及魚香豐盈的比目魚西京燒便當;仲有【貴族炉端燒】帶來熊本A4西冷和牛、炙燒辛子明太子,以及一夜干系列的魷魚、池魚、梭子魚等多道佐酒美食;最後當然唔少得【薀莎廊】這個城中蒲點睇世界盃,每位只需MOP 250即可睇足全晚多場賽事!

更重要的是我們還推出了消費卡購買餐飲券的優惠,即日起使用消費卡購買MOP 300餐飲券可額外獲贈MOP 100餐飲券,即折扣優惠可高達七五折,仲唔快啲打來book位?

御廚訂座熱線:+853 2838 9988
貴族炉端燒訂座熱線:+853 2888 9918
皇廷閣訂座熱線、薀莎廊查詢熱線:+853 2838 3322


November is a consumption month, so join us and try the various new dishes with your family and friends at our restaurants and lounge. For hotpot fans, the set menus from 【Grand Emperor Court】will satisfy all your hotpot cravings. There are three new main course selections from Executive Set Lunch menu of【Royal Kitchen】, including the Pan-fried barramundi fillet with garlic concasse, Pan-fried Spanish Iberico pork chop with gravy, and Saikyo Miso Yaki Halibut. Don’t miss the Kumamoto A4 sirloin wagyu beef, roasted spicy cod roe, and the One Night Dry series Ichiyaboshi fish at【Royal Robatayaki】, which are perfect matches with the Japanese sakes. Last but not least,【The Windsor】is your best choice to watch the World Cup live with friends. You can enjoy the whole night of football fun for MOP 250 per person.

More importantly, we have also launched a discount for purchasing dining coupons with consumption cards. Purchase the MOP 300 dining coupons with consumption card at Grand Emperor Hotel, you can get additional MOP 100 dining coupon, which means the discount can be up to 25% off. Dont Miss This Great Deal!

Reservation and enquiry:
Royal Kitchen: +853 2838 9988
Royal Robatayaki: +853 2888 9918
Grand Emperor Court and The Windsor: +853 2838 3322

*Terms & Conditions:
Grand Emperor Hotel reserves the right of final decision



資料來源: 英皇娛樂酒店

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