漁人碼頭 立即體驗滑雪嘅刺激快感優惠

澳門優惠 立即體驗滑雪嘅刺激快感優惠 0

澳門優惠 立即體驗滑雪嘅刺激快感優惠 1

澳門優惠 立即體驗滑雪嘅刺激快感優惠 2

澳門優惠 立即體驗滑雪嘅刺激快感優惠 3

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喺斷崖絕壁嘅雪山上,用最快速度衝向狼煙指示嘅終點位置。VR專用體感機器營造超真實嘅臨場感,保證過足滑雪癮啊!快啲嚟VR ZONE MACAU體驗巔峰飆雪,跟上最HIT運動熱潮!

1) mCoin優惠:https://reurl.cc/m329gG
2) VR漁樂大激賞:https://reurl.cc/aGgvOX
*現金券數量有限 送完即止

Experience the thrill of skiing now!

Ski off the impossible cliffs, follow the smoke signal at the finishing point to win this exciting VR experience! VR sensory machine creates a shockingly real adventure, make sure you give Ski Rodeo a try! Keep up with the hottest sports craze at VR ZONE MACAU! Don’t miss our below special offers!

1) mCoin promotion: https://reurl.cc/m329gG
2) VR & Wharf Arcade exclusive promotion: https://reurl.cc/aGgvOX
*Offers valid until 31 Dec 2022
*Vouchers are available while stocks last
*Terms and conditions apply

營業時間 Operation Hours: 週二至日及節假日; Tuesday –Sunday & Holiday: 12:00 - 20:00
*休館日遇公眾假期則順延至翌日; *Closed on the following day if a public holiday falls on Monday
電話 Tel: (853) 8299 3388
地址Address: 澳門漁人碼頭會議展覽中心14至18E舖 Shop 14-18E; Convention and Exhibition Centre, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf

#澳門漁人碼頭 #虛擬現實體驗館 #巔峰飆雪 #萬代南夢宮 #MacauFishermansWharf #MFW #VRZONEMACAU #SkiRodeo #VRExperience #BANDAINAMCOAmusement


資料來源: 漁人碼頭

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