新葡京 澳娛綜合為你打造星級美食之旅7折免費

澳門優惠 澳娛綜合為你打造星級美食之旅7折免費 0

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澳娛綜合為你打造星級美食之旅!由即日至2022年12月14日,只需7折,以澳門幣4,200元購買價值澳門幣6,000元的「星級盛宴」餐飲套票,首1,000位透過工銀e支付購買套票的客人更可獲減澳門幣100元及免費獲贈印有Dine with Stars & SJM 標誌的Riedel紅酒杯一個。


Embark on a star-studded culinary journey presented by SJM Resorts, S.A.! From now until 14 December, at 30% off regular prize, purchase MOP6,000 Dine with Stars coupons at the price of MOP4,200. First 1,000 customers buying with ICBC e-Pay will be rewarded with an additional MOP100 discount and a red wine glass from Riedel on which Dine with Stars and the SJM logo are printed.

Dine with Stars gastronomic coupons can be used at star-rated SJM restaurants including The 8, The Kitchen, and Casa Don Alfonso at Grand Lisboa Hotel.

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資料來源: 新葡京

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