金沙 四年一度的世界足球盛事馬上要開始啦免費

澳門優惠 四年一度的世界足球盛事馬上要開始啦免費 0

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四年一度的世界足球盛事馬上要開始啦!11月21日至12月18日*,快約上好友前來澳門威尼斯人碧濤意國漁鄉的Spirito酒廊,參與「開懷暢飲 澳門啤酒夜」,與一眾球迷透過大屏幕觀賞精彩足球賽事直播!一邊為心儀球隊喝彩助威🥳 ,一邊酣暢澳門啤酒及享用佐酒小食!更多冬日精彩活動詳情:https://bit.ly/3fTz0Df

日期及時間:11月21日-12月18日 | 下午4點至凌晨2點

*12月1, 7, 8, 11-16日休息

The most popular football tournament that you have been waiting for is approaching! From Nov 21 to Dec 18*, come join us at Spirito Sports Live by Macau Beer at Spirito Lounge in Portofino of The Venetian Macao and cheer your favourite team through the Big Screen with a group of fellow enthusiasts🥳! Enjoy an array of delicious bar snacks, and wash it down with Macau Beer! For more details: https://bit.ly/3fUfwhM

Date & time: November 21 - Dec 18, 4pm – 2am
Venue: Spirito Lounge, Portofino, The Venetian Macao
Admission: Free entry

*Dark Dates: December 1, 7, 8, 11-16

#澳門威尼斯人 #VenetianMacao


資料來源: 金沙

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