永利 第二屆澳門青島雙城啤酒文化節 暨 首屆澳門青島周 登陸永利推廣

澳門優惠 第二屆澳門青島雙城啤酒文化節 暨 首屆澳門青島周 登陸永利推廣 0

澳門優惠 第二屆澳門青島雙城啤酒文化節 暨 首屆澳門青島周 登陸永利推廣 1

澳門優惠 第二屆澳門青島雙城啤酒文化節 暨 首屆澳門青島周 登陸永利推廣 2

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【「第二屆澳門青島雙城啤酒文化節 暨 首屆澳門青島周」登陸永利!】
It’s Time “The 2nd Macau-Qingdao Beer & Cultural Festival and the 1st Macau-Qingdao Week” At Wynn!

澳門青島雙城啤酒文化節即將載譽歸來!作為紮根澳門多年的大型綜合企業,永利一直致力推動澳門與內地在多方面的交流合作。為再進一步深化青島與澳門在文化旅遊經貿等領域合作、以及支持澳門經濟多元發展,由永利主辦,澳門休閒旅遊服務創新協會合辦及承辦,青島啤酒股份有限公司、青島黃島發展(集團)有限公司及澳門啤酒有限公司作為協辦單位,我們十分高興宣佈今年的「第二屆澳門青島雙城啤酒文化節 暨 首屆澳門青島周」將於12月7日至31日於永利皇宮南門戶外草坪舉行!屆時你將可一邊享用優質啤酒,盡享各種精彩活動!

「第二屆澳門青島雙城啤酒文化節 暨 首屆澳門青島周」得到中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室經濟部、中央人民政府駐澳門特別行政區聯絡辦公室宣傳文化部及青島市人民政府台港澳事務辦公室指導,澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局、澳門貿易投資促進局、澳門特別行政區政府經濟及科技發展局、中國—葡語國家經貿合作論壇(澳門)常設秘書處、青島市農業農村局、青島市文化和旅遊局、青島市國資委、青島市城市更新和城市建設總指揮部辦公室、嶗山區政府、即墨區政府、膠州市政府、澳門中華總商會、澳門中國企業協會及澳門中小型企業聯合總商會的大力支持,以及澳門航空、澳門旅遊業議會、澳門酒店旅業商會、澳門酒店協會、澳門會展旅遊業協會、澳門山東省工商聯會、澳門青島商會、青島華通集團、青島飲料集團及新浪微博為合作單位。

青島與澳門這兩座素有淵源的城市,在城市資源和旅遊業態上,有同頻共振的迴響!這次更以「啤酒」為媒,首次與青島攜手合作舉辦「澳門青島周」,開展雙城文旅和商貿交流,同時,聯動兩地企業單位就青島及葡語系國家的產品商機與業務合作進行探討,發揮澳門作為「中國與葡語國家經貿合作服務平台」的作用。永利將以自身優勢,全力配合特區政府「旅遊+」政策,將「澳門青島雙城啤酒文化節 暨 澳門青島周」發展成為標誌性的品牌旅遊盛事,更好推動澳門經濟適度多元發展。


另外,今屆啤酒節亦特設合家歡時段,期間更聯乘以澳門旅遊吉祥物「麥麥」為主角的「Mak Mak奇趣嘉年華」同場舉辦,設有結合文創及旅遊文化元素的大三巴造型充氣遊樂場、4米高東望洋燈塔造型扭蛋機、奇趣野營區、工作坊及遊戲攤位等,讓來賓可盡享集合旅遊、美食、文化及節慶元素的特色親子體驗。



The Macau-Qingdao Beer & Cultural Festival returns for a second edition! As a mega-scale integrated enterprise with deep roots in Macau, Wynn has strived to push for various exchanges and cooperations between Macau and mainland China. To further deepen the cooperation between Qingdao and Macau in the areas of culture, tourism and trade, and to support Macau’s diversified economic development. Organized by Wynn and co-hosted and implemented by the Macau Leisure Tourism Services Innovation Association with Tsingtao Brewery Company Limited, Qingdao Huangdao Development (Group) Company Limited and Macau Beer Company Limited as the co-organizers, Wynn is proud to announce “The 2nd Macau-Qingdao Beer & Cultural Festival and the 1st Macau-Qingdao Week” will be held from December 7 to December 31 at the lawn adjacent to Wynn Palace South Entrance! Where you can enjoy exceptional drinks and more activities !

“The 2nd Macau-Qingdao Beer & Cultural Festival and the 1st Macau-Qingdao Week” have been made possible by the guidance of the Economic Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central Peoples Government in the Macao SAR, the Publicity and Culture Department of the Liaison Office of the Central Peoples Government in the Macao SAR, and the Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of the Qingdao Municipal Peoples Government, as well as the generous support of the Macao Government Tourism Office, the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, the Economic and Technological Development Bureau, the Permanent Secretariat of Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao), the Qingdao Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, the Qingdao Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, the Qingdao Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Qingdao Urban Renewal and Construction Headquarters Office, the Laoshan District Government Office of Qingdao Municipal People’s Government, the Jimo District Government Office of Qingdao Municipal People’s Government, the Jiaozhou City People’s Government of Qingdao, the Macao Chamber of Commerce, the Macau Chinese Enterprises Association, and the Federal General Commercial Association of Macau Small and Medium Enterprises. Air Macau Company Limited, Travel Industry Council of Macau, Macau Hoteliers & Innkeepers Association, Macau Hotel Association, Macao Association of Convention, Exhibition & Tourism Sectors, Macao Shandong Federation of Industry and Commerce, Qingdao Chamber of Commerce of Macau, Huatong Group, Qingdao Beverage Group and Sina Weibo are cooperating entities of the event.

Qingdao and Macau have enjoyed a close and enduring relationship. They enjoy the same synergies in terms of urban resources and tourism. This time we use ‘beer’ as the medium, joining hands for the first time with Qingdao to host ‘Macau-Qingdao Week’ to promote the development of twin-city cultural tourism and commercial exchanges. At the same time, we engage enterprises in both places to explore product opportunities and business partnerships in Qingdao and Portuguese-speaking countries, promoting Macau as the service platform for economic and trade cooperation between mainland China and Portuguese-speaking countries.

This year’s beer and cultural festival will highlight Tsingtao Beer, Macau Beer and Portuguese beer, including the “7 Days’ Fresh” Tsingtao Original Beer flown fresh from Qingdao and the global debut of “Tsingtao Lemon 0.0” in Macau. The event will also feature a large-scale beer hall that showcases a selection of brews and products, and an array of gourmet cuisine, performances, tourism promotion, as well as cultural and creative exhibitions. Also, from December 7 to December 11, there would be an exhibition zone displaying Qingdao featured products to promote Qingdao’s famous agricultural products, culinary delicacies, cultural and creative products as well as intangible cultural heritage handicrafts, etc. Qingdao artisans will be invited to perform intangible cultural heritage craftsmanship such as sugar painting, paper cutting and ceramic production. The event will deepen the understanding of Macau residents and visitors about Qingdao and facilitate the exchanges between the two places.

In addition, the festival will also include “Family Fun Special” sessions and Macao Tourism Mascot “MAK MAK” will present Mega Fun Carnival 2022 at the same place, featuring an inflatable playground which models on the Ruins of Saint Pauls, a 4-metre high gashapon machine installation designed after Macau’s famous attraction – Guia Lighthouse, a wild camping zone, workshops and game booths. Macau’s residents and visitors can enjoy a unique parenting experience that combines tourism, gourmet cuisine, culture and events.

Meanwhile, to render support for “Light Up Macao 2022” organized by the Macao Government Tourism Office, Wynn will put in place lighting installations at its two resorts. Wynn Macau will feature a large illuminated lotus and a dazzling gem-adorned promenade while Wynn Palace will draw inspiration from fields of golden wheat and Christmas lights!

Drop by and enjoy a wonderful festival!

#2022MacauQingdaoBeerCulturalFestival #2022澳門青島雙城啤酒文化節 #LightUpMacao2022 #2022幻彩耀濠江 #MakMakMFunCarnival #MakMak奇趣嘉年華 #WynnPalace #永利皇宮 #永利打卡攻略 #CheckInWithWynn #MacauGetaway #MacauMoments #ForbesTravelGuide #Macau #Macao


資料來源: 永利

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