永利 璀璨冬日狂歡 驚喜活動連環優惠


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【璀璨冬日狂歡 驚喜活動連環!】
Colors Vibrant and Bright, Winter Surprises in Light!

讓我們為這色彩繽紛的迷人景致,增添無限活力! 永利澳門為你呈獻一系列精彩活動和優惠,包括專為啤酒迷和購物愛好者而設的節慶活動、令人嘆為觀止的大型夜景燈飾,以及更多活動!謹記密切留意,發掘我們為你準備的無限驚喜!

Let’s bring a dose of vibrancy to our stunning views and skyline! Wynn Macau has much to tease and offer this Winter, events for beer lovers and shoppers, stunning light shows, and more! Further updates are on the way, stay tuned and watch this space!

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資料來源: 永利

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