永利 閃亮聖誕 以Tiffany禮物堆砌出你的派對

澳門優惠 閃亮聖誕 以Tiffany禮物堆砌出你的派對 0

澳門優惠 閃亮聖誕 以Tiffany禮物堆砌出你的派對 1

澳門優惠 閃亮聖誕 以Tiffany禮物堆砌出你的派對 2

澳門優惠 閃亮聖誕 以Tiffany禮物堆砌出你的派對 3

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【閃亮聖誕 以Tiffany禮物堆砌出你的派對】
Shine at Christmas Party with Tiffany’s Jewelry

為慶祝佳節,Tiffany & Co. 精心打造一場融滙Andy Warhol和Hailey Bieber非凡魅力的聖誕派對。Hailey Bieber戴上前衛的 HardWear系列、時尚的T1 系列珠寶,閃爍耀眼,彰顯時尚韻味,讓濃厚的節日氣氛再度昇華。而Tiffany & Co. x Andy Warhol 系列,以聖誕樹裝飾品、餐具等為主題,為家居增添一抹藝術色彩,為冬日送上暖意祝福!

立即親臨 #永利皇宮 的Tiffany & Co. 專門店,為自己和摯愛挑選心水禮品:https://bit.ly/3u3n85l

To celebrate the holiday season, Tiffany & Co. staged a campaign featuring Andy Warhol and Hailey Bieber. As a fashion icon, Hailey Bieber put on the edgy HardWear, the signature T1 and other selections to uplift the festive mood and reflect her glamor. With ornaments, tableware and more, the Tiffany & Co. x Andy Warhol Collection also decorates your house to elevate the bliss of this winter!

Visit Wynn Palace to gift yourself and your loved ones at the Tiffany & Co. store: http://bit.ly/3ik9Qys

#永利皇宮 #WynnPalace #MacauFashion #WynnFashion #WynnShopping #TiffanyAndCo #AndyWarhol #HaileyBieber Tiffany & Co.


資料來源: 永利

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