新濠 童樂繽紛聖誕節推廣

澳門優惠 童樂繽紛聖誕節推廣 0

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大小朋友期待已久的 #聖誕節 即將嚟啦!想免費製作聖誕史萊姆,迎接繽紛聖誕?一於帶家中寶貝報名參加 #童夢天地 聖誕主題 #布藝燈 工作坊吧!大小朋友一起動手,將聖誕老人、薑餅人和聖誕樹變身可愛小檯燈,把它帶回家裝飾寶貝的小天地!還有更多遊戲和聖誕表演等著大家。名額有限,馬上報名,和寶貝渡過一個難忘獨特的聖誕!https://bit.ly/3XDUogV


位置:#新濠天地 3樓
查詢:(853) 8868 3000

【Merry Kids’mas】

The long-awaited #Christmas season is coming! If you want to spend a special and meaningful Christmas, sign up with your kids for the #KidsCity Christmas themed #ClothCraftsLamp workshop! Let your little ones make X’mas slime for free in here, work together to turn Santa, gingerbread and Christmas tree into cute little lamps for decorating their little world! More games and Christmas performances to bring you and your beloved ones lots of fun! Limited seats only, book now to create an unforgettable Christmas memories with your kids! https://bit.ly/3ORvR48

Promotion period: December 1 , 2022 to January 1 , 2023

【Kids’ City】
Location: Level 3, #CityOfDreams
Enquiries: (853) 8868 3000


資料來源: 新濠

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