澳門觀光塔 滋味美食盡在 Caf on 4推廣

澳門優惠 滋味美食盡在 Caf on 4推廣 0

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【滋味美食盡在 Café on 4】

驚喜唔一定身邊嘅人先俾到你,嚟 Café on 4 都可以有呢種感覺,仲要係雙重驚喜等緊你!由朝早 11 點開始,只需 MOP 80 就食到 12 吋特大足料 Pizza 同新鮮沙律一客,有齊 3 款口味俾你揀;另外都為你準備咗下午茶套餐,2 個人淨係用 MOP178 就試到 8 款精選小食,其中一款仲要係脆香嫰滑嘅炸魚薯條添!心動不如行動,約埋另一半或朋友仔一齊嚟享受加倍嘅滋味待遇啦!

MOP178* / 2 位 下午茶套餐:
開放時段:星期一至五,下午 3:00 至 晚上 6:00
推廣日期:2021 年 4 月 1 至 30 日

MOP80 薄餅套餐:
開放時段:星期一至五,上午 11:00 至 晚上 6:00
推廣日期:2021 年 4 月 1 至 30 日


【 Delicacies @ Cafe on 4】

Want surprises? Besides those close to you, Cafe on 4 is ready to shower you with wonderful surprises! You can get a double of it by visiting Cafe on 4! Starting 11am, you can enjoy a 12-inch pizza with fresh salad at only MOP80! Choose among the 3 flavors on offer! Want more? Cafe on 4 has tea sets available at only MOP178 for 2! 8 types of delicious snacks including the crispy Fish & Chips await your patronage! Tempted? Let’s get moving to Cafe on 4 with your friends! Pamper yourselves with delicacies!

MOP178* - Tea Sets for 2
Available time: Mon-Fri 3-6pm
Promotion period: 1-30 Apr

MOP80 - Pizza Sets
Available time: Mon-Fri 11am-6pm
Promotion period: 1-30 Apr

*The above prices are subject to 10% service charge


資料來源: 澳門觀光塔

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