銀河 澳門銀河 開運美饌喜迎金兔之年8折優惠

澳門優惠 澳門銀河 開運美饌喜迎金兔之年8折優惠 0

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【#澳門銀河 開運美饌喜迎金兔之年】
今個農曆新年🧧,與親朋好友齊聚 #澳門銀河,共享新春佳餚!我地數十間頂級食府的廚師團隊,已為您精心準備多款有特色又吸引的新春美饌,傳統中菜、賀年點心、海味珍饈包羅萬有🧨!無論你喜歡傳統粵菜、精緻日本料理或異國風情盛宴,這裡都可以一一滿足你!

銀聯餐飲立減禮遇‍ : 即日起至2023年2月5日憑銀聯卡於五間指定餐廳簽賬滿澳門元1,200,即享立減澳門元120 另外,如所持的銀聯卡為工銀澳門銀河信用卡更可同時享低至8折優惠,尊享雙重禮遇賀新歲 (適用餐廳∶北膳樓丶銀河氹仔漁村丶鹿港小鎮丶百樂潮州酒樓丶彭慶記)

以最豐盛的一餐好好慶祝, 迎接兔年!今日立即訂座 ~ +853 8883 2221

【The Ultimate Guide to Chinese New Year Dining at #GalaxyMacau 】
With the Year of the Rabbit approaching🧧, Galaxy Macau invites you to another year of gastronomic adventures with a fabulous array of dining options. From fortune delicacies and dim sum to exquisite international cuisine, enjoy an unforgettable journey of flavors with your family and friends!

‍UnionPay Instant Deduction Dining Rewards‍: Enjoy MOP120 instant deduction with your UnionPay cards upon spending MOP1,200 at any of the five designated restaurants at Galaxy Macau. If your UnionPay card happens to be an ICBC Galaxy Macau Credit Card, then you can even enjoy up to 20% off your bill!

UnionPay instant deduction is applicable at Bei Shan Lou, Galaxy Macau Tam Chai Yu Chun, Lugang Cafe, Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant and Pang’s Kitchen.

Book your table now +853 8883 2221 and start the Chinese New Year with good fortune!

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資料來源: 銀河

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