新濠 新春賀年佳餚盡在新濠影滙優惠

澳門優惠 新春賀年佳餚盡在新濠影滙優惠 0

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!


想全年豐足,新一年當然要食好一點!#新濠影滙 琳瑯滿目的 #新春饗宴,讓您率先安排連日節慶餐飲,以佳餚迎接 #福兔。#米芝蓮 星級粵菜 #玥龍軒 誠意推介各款賀年美饌,如🦞芝士蟹皇焗美國花龍蝦伊麵及象拔蚌錦繡撈起,或到 #碧迎居 品嚐 #新春發財 好意頭傳統 #賀年 菜,如富貴鮑魚 #盤菜 及🦪金蠔髮菜扣豬手,均以上乘食材用心打造,新春意頭與滋味俱全!另外 #東南薈 亦推出 #春節套餐,盡情暢享環球美饌,寓意全年 #萬事如意,豐盛滋味每一日!新春期間1月22日到2月5日在餐廳消費滿澳門幣300即可享受澳門幣100立減額,更多優惠等你嚟發現!

前10名 #新濠風尚 會員於玥龍軒或 #意滙 成功預訂新春期間的午餐或晚餐,更均可獲贈節慶賀禮, 立即加入「新濠風尚」:https://mel.qrd.by/e5foxa

【Chinese festive feasts at Studio City】

Plan ahead for #ChineseNewYear and kick start an auspicious #YearOfTheRabbit with a fabulous array of dining options at #StudioCity, from exquisite Chinese New Year specialties at #PearlDragon including 🦞baked American lobster with e-fu noodles and tossed geoduck with shredded vegetables; also let’s dive into the new year tradition of savoring festive delights for good luck at #BiYing, the lavish #PoonChoi braised premium dried seafood with abalone and 🦪braised pork knuckles with dried oysters and black moss; that will be a truly blissful gastronomic experience. #SpiceRoad also offering an auspicious array of special festive delicacies, tantalizing treats for you to celebrate with friends and family. During 22 Jan to 5 Feb, MOP100 cash coupon is given upon spending MOP300, don’t miss out your CNY offers!

First 10 #MelcoStyle members successfully made reservations for lunch or dinner at Pearl Dragon or #RossiTrattoria during Chinese New Year period, will be received with festive surprises. Join Melco Style now: https://mel.qrd.by/e5foxa


資料來源: 新濠

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!