銀河 傳統中式美饌 食出豐足金兔年8折優惠

澳門優惠 傳統中式美饌 食出豐足金兔年8折優惠 0

澳門優惠 傳統中式美饌 食出豐足金兔年8折優惠 1

澳門優惠 傳統中式美饌 食出豐足金兔年8折優惠 2

澳門優惠 傳統中式美饌 食出豐足金兔年8折優惠 3

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!

【傳統中式美饌 食出豐足金兔年】

於1 月22至29日期間 #北膳樓 、#百樂潮州酒樓 及 #彭慶記 誠意推出琳琅滿目意頭菜及點心!魯東北菜館北膳樓有象徵富貴有餘的大連松鼠魚及以矜貴食材打造的鮑魚及海參水餃;百樂潮州酒樓推出的潮式鮮鮑雞絲 #撈起 讓你兔年風生水起、鮑汁遼參扣鮑魚及碧綠川椒龍鳳球,寓意大展鴻圖 、龍鳳呈祥 !香港 #米芝蓮 順德菜 #名人飯堂 彭慶記,精心設計多道廣東及順德賀年佳餚,蠔豉髮菜及鮑魚鵝掌海味煲,是金兔年不能錯過的餐廳!立即訂座:+853 8883 2221

銀聯餐飲立減禮遇 : 即日起至2023年2月5日憑銀聯卡於五間指定餐廳簽賬滿澳門元1,200,即享立減澳門幣120 另外,如所持的銀聯卡為工銀澳門銀河信用卡更可同時享低至8折優惠,尊享雙重禮遇賀新歲 (適用餐廳∶北膳樓丶銀河氹仔漁村丶鹿港小鎮丶百樂潮州酒樓丶彭慶記)


【A Feast of Traditional Chinese Delicacies to Start The Year of Rabbit】
Aside from family reunion during Chinese New Year, let’s use a feast of festive delights to bring you and your loved ones together for a heartwarming moment!

Take your celebration to the next level at #BeiShanLou, the Northern Chinese cuisine expert, with Deep-fried Yellow Croaker and dumplings filled with abalone or sea cucumber. Ring in the Year of Rat with Tossed Sliced Abalone and Chicken in Chiu Chow Style, Braised Sea Cucumber and Abalone and Stir-fried Chicken Fillet and Prawn with Sichuan Pepper Sauce #PakLohChiuChowRestaurant. Don’t miss out the festive specialties such as Braised Abalone, Dried Seafood with Goose Web in Clay Pot at #PangsKitchen, the renowned Shunde Cantonese restaurant awarded a Michelin Star for 10 consecutive years in Hong Kong.

Book Your Table Now: +853 8883 2221

Enjoy MOP120 instant deduction with your UnionPay cards upon spending MOP1,200 at any of the five designated restaurants at Galaxy Macau. If your UnionPay card happens to be an ICBC Galaxy Macau Credit Card, then you can even enjoy up to 20% off your bill!

(UnionPay instant deduction is applicable at Bei Shan Lou, Galaxy Macau Tam Chai Yu Chun, Lugang Cafe, Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant and Pang’s Kitchen.

Explore More: https://www.galaxymacau.com/B6D2y6Z7BB/

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資料來源: 銀河

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!