新濠 與 嵐 有約8折優惠

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晚上的放鬆時刻,總要美酒相伴。「嵐」的調酒師特別為酒店 #頤居 重啟新一頁設計出玩味十足的 #特色雞尾酒,無論是置身「嵐」酒廊的時尚室內雅座,或輕倚開揚的 #室外露台,立即約上好友閨蜜品味特色雞尾酒,暢享璀璨的相聚時光。

星期一至四, 星期日 17:00 – 24:00
星期五至六 17:00 – 02:00
訂座電話:(853) 8868 6685
由即日起至12月31日,#澳門居民 出示澳門身份證可獲八折優惠。

【Plan a night-time rendezvous at Lan】

In the evening, come unwind with one of our signature cocktails at #Lan, #Nüwas lobby lounge. The #mixologists behind the bar pull out all the tricks to design several playful cocktails to celebrate Nüwa’s reopening. Whether you prefer to relax in the lounges chic indoor seating or enjoy the night breezes in its expansive #outdoor seating area, Lan offers the perfect place for a relaxed get-together with friends. 


Location: Level 1, Nüwa

Operation hours:
Mon - Thu, Sun 17:00-24:00
Fri – Sat 17:00 - 02:00

Reservations: (853) 8868 6685

More details: https://bit.ly/3d0kHZw
From now until December 31, #Macaulocals present your Macau ID card to enjoy 20% off on the bills. 

Enjoy 4 hours of free parking for all guests.

#新濠天地 #重開 #奢華 #東方美學 #cityofdreams #Nuwa #reopen #luxury #eastern #aesthetics


資料來源: 新濠

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