永利 財源滾滾 賀年滋味推介

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【財源滾滾 賀年滋味!】
Fill Your Bags with Fortune!

趁著新春的時間,和家人享受一桌盛宴,齊來喜迎兔年!由即日起至2月5日,來品嚐 #紅8粥麵 的「腰纏萬貫」,吸附了滿滿湯汁的豆皮包裹了多種海鮮,讓鮮味爆發於口腔之中,這道菜式同時寓意財源廣進!


Chinese New Year is a time for auspicious dishes🥳! Following a traditional recipe, we prepare for you the Braised Assorted Seafood in Bean Curd Skin at Red 8 until February 5. Soaked in a broth and shaped like money bags, the dish symbolizes fortune and good luck for the year ahead while giving a juicy and umami sensation.

Visit us for an array of festive specialties to fill your stomach! bit.ly/3wdgjiF

#永利澳門 #WynnMacau #WynnDining #WynnFoodies #紅8粥麵 #Red8 #CheckInWithWynn #GourmetAtWynn #Macau #Macao #MacauDining #MacauFood #永利美食關注組 #舌尖上的永利 #永利必食之選 #永利美食推介 #永利人氣美食 #跟住永利去搵食 #尋味澳門 #VisitMacau #玉兔迎春賀新歲


資料來源: 永利

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