銀河 最後4天優惠

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澳門優惠 最後4天優惠 4

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新春遊澳必定要來 #澳門銀河 ,一系列豐富的活動及優惠等著你,除了有美味的應節大餐和賀年裝飾,1月29日或之前,來 #時尚匯購物中心 買滿$30,000或以上,即賞你高達$10,000購物現金券 ,立即來搜羅最新各國名牌服飾,給自己和親友一個充滿無限色彩與魅力的新春!

【Last 4 days! Shop to receive up to $10,000 gift certificates!】
#GalaxyMacau invites you to enjoy a series of joyful activities, sumptuous Chinese New Year menus and shopping privileges! Discover great gifts for you and your loved ones at #ThePromenadeShops and receive up to $10,000 gift certificates upon the spending of $30,000 or above until January 29.


資料來源: 銀河

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