永利 永利祝你生日快樂推介

澳門優惠 永利祝你生日快樂推介 0

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Holiday Bliss and Birthday Treat

生日快樂!正月初七的「人日」寓意人的創造和誕辰,就在這個與眾同樂的日子,甜藝廊為大家準備了充滿新春氣氛的柑橘柚子朱古力蛋糕,和大家歡度新歲🥳!濃郁朱古力中帶有清爽酸甜的柑橘及柚香,完美平衡酸甜感覺,滋味昇華,配上揮春、銅錢等應節設計作點綴,過年氣氛滿滿 !


Happy birthday to you all! Known as “Renri”, the 7th day of Chinese New Year is marked as the birthday of mankind in Chinese tradition. Sweets is celebrating with you this special day with the Mandarin, Yuzu, Praline and Chocolate Cake. The rich velvet taste of chocolate and the sharp citrus touch of mandarin create an attractive combination. Garnished with chocolate of festive designs like Fai Chun and copper coins, the confection is the best choice to have in the big time of the year!

Visit us to savor this delightful dessert from now until February 28! bit.ly/3Hgbr2m

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資料來源: 永利

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