漁人碼頭 蒂曼南歐餐廳 情人節的微醺浪漫免費

澳門優惠 蒂曼南歐餐廳 情人節的微醺浪漫免費 0

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空氣瀰漫著愛意 意味情人節快到了,與摯愛共進燭光晚餐又怎能缺少美酒呢?情人節當天於蒂曼南歐餐廳用餐,每對情侶可享免費特調雞尾酒。快致電訂座,與摯愛共度浪漫一夜!

訂座電話:(853) 8801 8181

【Restaurante Terra Mar・Valentine’s Day Special Treat】
Valentine’s Day is around the corner when love is in the air How could you plan the perfect evening without a glass of good wine? Dine in Terra Mar on Valentine’s Day and each couple can enjoy a complimentary special cocktail. Reserve now and plan a romantic celebration with us!

Venue: G/F, Legend Palace
Reservation: (853) 8801 8181

#勵宮酒店 #蒂曼南歐餐廳 #情人節 #微醺浪漫
#LegendPalace #RestauranteTerraMar #ValentinesDay


資料來源: 漁人碼頭

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