皇都酒店 今日係屬於您 我 他 她所有人的生日著數

澳門優惠 今日係屬於您 我 他 她所有人的生日著數 0

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皇都酒店大堂酒廊的「節慶下午茶自助餐」除了有六六無窮的精緻美點外,更在新春期間大派福利,向客人送上德國艾格納旅行套裝、葡萄牙氣泡酒(每4位成人1樽)、餐飲禮券及指定兒童飲品(每位小孩1杯)。咁多著數,每位成人只需$138,小童$88。唔想走寶,就快d致電(853) 2855 2222內線168訂座。

Today is the 7th day of the Chinese New Year which is considered the birthday of everybody. We would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to everyone!
On this very special Saturday, it is a perfect opportunity to have a big celebration with buddies at our Lobby Lounge’s “Afternoon Tea Buffet”. Besides numerous mouthwatering delicacies, each customer will be given an Aigner travel set, a free bottle of sparkling wine for every 4 customers, a F&B voucher per person, and a free designated drink for each child. The price is only $138/ adult or $88/ child.

Enquiries and Reservations:
Lobby Lounge (853) 2855 2222 ext 168


資料來源: 皇都酒店

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