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意大利菜既可以係精緻嘅星級料理,亦有樸實嘅家鄉風味,相比其他歐陸菜,擺盤實而不華,畀人感覺更親民,啱晒一家大細享用!#庭園意大利餐廳 匯聚北部家庭式料理,及南部地中海風味,畀你食盡各種意式風情!以下嘅傳統名菜,款款都採用上乘材料用心炮製,絕對係必食推介🏻!




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【Take Your Taste Buds on an Authentic Journey to Italy 】

With its regional diversity, Italian cuisine covers everything from top-notch fine dining to homey flavors that exude rustic flair. And #Terrazza Italian Restaurant is the trattoria to enjoy both rustic fare of the north as well as exotic Mediterranean flavors of the south. Don’t forget to dig into these all-time Italian favorites in your next gathering!

Linguine Cozze e Nduja
Nduja, Italy’s famous spreadable spicy pork sausage, is the perfect companion to the briny mussels. A must-try for anyone who loves a surf and turf pizza.

A mouthwatering traditional Italian roast with prized Iberian pork from Spain filled with garlic, paprika, rosemary, thyme and other aromatic herbs.

Pizza Delizia
Mozzarella, mortadella, ricotta and roasted pistachios are generously spread on a thin, crispy crust to offer different textures in a single bite.

Book your table now: +853 8883 2221 for an authentic taste of Italy.

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資料來源: 銀河

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