漁人碼頭 逍遙假期探索浪漫歐陸秘境優惠

澳門優惠 逍遙假期探索浪漫歐陸秘境優惠 0

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!


勵宮酒店 https://reurl.cc/1e4Z38
勵庭海景酒店 https://reurl.cc/V8XD4Z
萊斯酒店 https://reurl.cc/lvdoZA
預訂電話:勵宮酒店 (853) 8801 8800 | 勵庭海景酒店、萊斯酒店 (853) 8799 6666

【Exotic Stay for Magical Moments】
Escape the ordinary and enjoy an exotic getaway with our latest hotel packages! The European-inspired architecture of Macau Fisherman’s Wharf has always been a popular photogenic destination. During your stay, get inspired by our architectural surroundings and capture all the striking elements for your romantic wedding photo shoot. Complete your wondrous experience with an opulent fast buffet and free access to leisure facilities. Book now to create and capture your magical moments!

Booking and Staying Period: from now until 30 June 2023
More details & reservation link:
Legend Palace https://reurl.cc/KMjbpn
Harbourview Hotel https://reurl.cc/gZm22b
Rocks Hotel https://reurl.cc/eX83OW
Reservation: Legend Palace (853) 8801 8800 | Harbourview Hotel and Rocks Hotel (853) 8799 6666

#澳門漁人碼頭 #勵宮酒店 #勵庭海景酒店 #萊斯酒店 #逍遙假期 #浪漫歐陸秘境 #MacauFishermansWharf #LegendPalace #HarbourviewHotel #RocksHotel #ExoticStay


資料來源: 漁人碼頭

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!