英皇娛樂酒店 在潮濕的春天吃點辣菜8折優惠

澳門優惠 在潮濕的春天吃點辣菜8折優惠 0

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在潮濕的春天吃點辣菜,刺激味蕾之餘又幫助祛濕。【皇廷閣】大廚以獨特的川菜烹飪技法帶來麻、辣、鮮、香的 #水煮牛肉,入口嫩滑的牛肉片伴有滾燙的麻辣湯汁,令人胃口大開!


Looking for a way to beat the tiredness and lethargy that comes with Spring? Try our spicy, fresh and fragrant #Sichuanpoachedbeef ! The chefs unique cooking technique results in tender slices of beef that are sure to whet your appetite.
And don’t forget to use our “Card and Discount” offer to make your dining experience even better!

1)Get multiple dining privileges with the Emperor Palace’s membership card
2) Enjoy “Grand Emperor Hotel Cash Coupon buy 3 get 1 free” by paying with Macau Electronic Consumption Card
3)Save 20% with designated credit cards

#皇廷閣 #GrandEmperorCourt
11:00 - 15:00 (一至六Mon - Sat)
10:00 - 15:00(日及公眾假期Sun & public holidays);
晚市Dinner : 18:00 - 22:00
訂座Reservation:+853 2838 3322

*條款及細則 *Terms and Conditions
圖片僅供參考 Images are for reference only
英皇娛樂酒店保留最終決定權 Grand Emperor Hotel reserves the right of final decision


資料來源: 英皇娛樂酒店

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