澳門觀光塔 發現時刻 早鳥尊享優惠 成就完美婚宴85折

澳門優惠 發現時刻 早鳥尊享優惠 成就完美婚宴85折 0

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【#發現時刻|早鳥尊享優惠 成就完美婚宴】

踏入準備婚禮嘅新世界,先發現統籌過程學問多多?「第20屆亞太婚慶博覽」即將喺 #澳門旅遊塔 登場,於旅遊塔展位更有婚宴策劃師介紹婚慶資訊,及為準新人送上早鳥預訂、住宿及尊享優惠快啲帶埋另一半,一齊準備心中嘅完美婚禮啦

地點:澳門旅遊塔 2 樓展覽廳
時間:13:00 - 21:00
查詢:(853) 8988 8870

‣ 以2023年婚宴價格及優惠,預訂2024年之婚宴酒席

‣ 惠顧滿10席或以上之婚宴,贈送澳門雅辰酒店「特級豪華客房」一晚^

‣ 婚宴套餐/ 天際婚宴套餐/ 雞尾酒會婚宴套餐/ 滿月套餐預訂滿指定席數可享最高85折優惠

‣ 憑澳門中銀信用卡,中銀卡及中銀手機銀行尊享額外優惠 (詳情請於現場查詢)


【#TimeToDiscover|Early-bird Privilege Perfect Your Wedding Celebration】

Get a head start on wedding planning with a wealth of information and resources. Join us at the Macau Tower for the 20th Asian Wedding Celebration Expo, where youll find everything you need to know about planning the perfect wedding, from tips from wedding planners to exclusive early bird discounts on wedding package and hotel accommodation.

Bring your significant other and start planning your dream wedding at the Macau Tower Asian Wedding Celebration Expo!

Asian Wedding Celebration Expo 2023
Date: March 17th-19th, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Location: L2 Exhibition Hall, Macau Tower
Booth: B36-B37
Enquiries: (853) 8988 8870

[Early-bird Promotion]
‣ Enjoy 2023 wedding package for wedding banquet held in 2024

[Hotel Accomodation]
‣ Complimentary one-night stay in a Grand Deluxe Room at Artyzen Grand Lapa, Macau upon patronage of 10 tables or above for wedding^

[Discount Offers]
‣Wedding/ Sky wedding/ Wedding Cocktail Reception/ Fullmoon Package: Book five or more tables and receive a discount of up to 15%

[Credit Card Promotion]
‣Exclusive offers for Macau China Bank credit cards, debit card and China Bank APP(Please ask for more detailed information at wedding expo)

^The offer is subject to availability and excludes sky weddings and wedding cocktail receptions, available on a first-come, first-served basis.

#澳門旅遊塔 #婚宴 #婚宴套餐優惠 #MacauTower #WeddingVenus #WeddingPackage


資料來源: 澳門觀光塔

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