銀河 春意入饌 鮮味無限8折優惠

澳門優惠 春意入饌 鮮味無限8折優惠 0

澳門優惠 春意入饌 鮮味無限8折優惠 1

澳門優惠 春意入饌 鮮味無限8折優惠 2

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!

【春意入饌 鮮味無限】
三月開始是日本著名的賞櫻季,春意盎然,萬物蓬勃生長。伴隨到來的是豐盛美味的當季食材。#山里 三月推出的「彌生會席」中,便選用了油菜花、艾草、竹筍等春日野菜;海鮮方面則有令老饕們趨之若鶩的北海道厚岸生蠔。厚岸是出產生蠔的聖地,淡水與海水在這裏匯集,豐富的海洋物質孕育出肉身肥厚的生蠔,入口甘甜鮮美。八寸則以八爪魚、白魚、蛤蜊等入饌,鮮味層層遞進。現預訂山里會席 ,使用工銀澳門銀河信用卡可享低至8折優惠。

訂座:+853 8883 5127

【Spring Gourmet Celebration】
Spring is a time of rebirth, with flowers and vegetables showing off their beautiful colors and a horde of ingredients at their delicious best. This March, Chef Takeda from Yamazato presents the Yayoi Kaiseki where you will find seasonal vegetables native to Japan such as mugwort, canola flower and bamboo shoots. The grilled dish features fresh, plump oysters from Akkeshi, Hokkaido – a familiar name among connoisseurs for its natural source of quality oysters. The flavors from the sea are also presented in the Hassun which brings together octopus, whitebaits and scallop at their best. Book your table now and enjoy up to 20% discount with your ICBC Galaxy Macau Credit Card.

Yayoi Kaiseki: Mar 1 - 31
Operation Hours: 17:30 – 22:00 (Closed every Monday)
Reservations: +853 8883 5127
Location: 28/F, Hotel Okura Macau
Learn More: https://www.galaxymacau.com/KOFDsnuksy/

#澳門銀河 #舌尖品亞洲峰味聚銀河 #山里 #米芝蓮推薦餐廳 #澳門大倉酒店 #會席料理 #福布斯推薦餐廳 #GalaxyMacau #1diningdestination #Yamazato #Michelinguide #macaufood #oneharmony #okurahotels #okura_macau #hotelokuramacau #kaiseki #forbestravelguide


資料來源: 銀河

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!