新濠 春日購物 折 1 折起1折折扣

澳門優惠 春日購物 折 1 折起1折折扣 0

澳門優惠 春日購物 折 1 折起1折折扣 1

澳門優惠 春日購物 折 1 折起1折折扣 2

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【 春日購物”折” - 1 折起 】

限時1折,#真的低至1折!如此驚喜,豈可錯過?春日明媚,正好享受購物趣,為衣帽間注入新氣息。#精選名牌鞋履、#時尚衣飾,盡顯風尚個性,就在 #新濠天地 任您選購,買得越多,享有越多折扣。


[ Spring Shopping Spree -- up to 90% off]

With surprising, limited-time discounts of up 90% off, who could possibly miss it? Spring is in full bloom – the perfect time to infuse your wardrobe with new vitality. #CityofDreams has curated a wide range of top-class #shoes, #clothing, and #accessories to help you show off your personality, and the more you buy, the more discounts you can enjoy.

Call up your BFF today for a joyful spring shopping spree at City of Dreams.
Location: Shop 1213A - Level 1, City of Dreams, South Side
More Details: https://bit.ly/2Q4oc8z


資料來源: 新濠

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