凱旋門 歲月匆匆優惠

澳門優惠 歲月匆匆優惠 0

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歲月匆匆,時光荏苒。今個畢業季,#澳門凱旋門 特意推出多款謝師宴中式及自助餐菜譜,讓學生們答謝老師多年來的栽培,與同學留下青春美好回憶,一同以盛宴慶祝畢業!

優惠詳情、條款及細則► https://bit.ly/2023GraduationDinner

查詢:(853) 8860 6011
請瀏覽 www.larcmacau.com 了解更多資訊!

It’s time to graduate! #LArcMacau specially presents the Chinese Banquet and Buffet Graduation Dinner Menus for students to express sincere gratitude to teachers and create an unforgettable memory with schoolmates. Celebrate your achievement by sharing a sumptuous feast at L’Arc Macau!

Offer details, terms and conditions► https://bit.ly/2023GraduationDinnerEng

Location: 4/F, L’Arc Macau
Enquiry: (853) 8860 6011
Please visit www.larcmacau.com for more information.


資料來源: 凱旋門

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