澳門大倉 唔食辣75折優惠

澳門優惠 唔食辣75折優惠 0

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唔食辣?唔洗怕,日本咖哩甜而不辣,最啱一家大細連小朋友!「奈和美」打造獨特誘人咖哩套餐定食,使用30個洋蔥🧅,蘋果,雪梨及香蕉精心熬制而成,所有材料融合咖喱濃郁既果香甜味套餐更包括甜品同炭燒咖啡一杯,只需澳門幣188元 四月三十號前澳門身分證同藍卡仲有75折優惠啊,快啲黎試下啦!

供應時間: 中午12時至晚上8時
地點:地點:澳門大倉酒店大堂 「奈和美」


Not a fan of spicy food? No worries - Japanese Curry is sweet and perfect for kids! Available at Nagomi. Curry is sweet and rich of fruity aroma as it is cooked with different kinds of fruits Enjoy Japanese curry with a cup of charcoal coffee and dessert only at Mop188 25% off for local ID and blue card holders! (From now until 30 April)

Serving time: 12:00 - 20:00
Location: Nagomi at Lobby, Hotel Okura Macau
More detail:

#hotelokuramacau #okuramacau #澳門大倉酒店 #ホテルオークラマカオ #オークラマカオ #galaxymacau #奈和美 #Nagomi #日式咖哩 #Japanesecurryset #charcoalcoffee


資料來源: 澳門大倉

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