宜家家居 唔係嫌你多口水呀 人哋驚你口渴咋嘛優惠

澳門優惠 唔係嫌你多口水呀 人哋驚你口渴咋嘛優惠 0

=> 更多優惠在IG

我係IKEA嘅EFTERSTRÄVA 旅行杯:http://bit.ly/旅行杯__EFTERSTRÄVA


I want you to keep thirsty all the time… so that I can always feel your touch~
Come on, take me away with the best price by 28 April, let me follow you wherever you go <3

I am the IKEA EFTERSTRÄVA travel mug: http://bit.ly/Travel-Mug__EFTERSTRÄVA

*The price in MOP is applicable to Macau Store only, and the price in HKD is applicable to Online Shopping only.


資料來源: 宜家家居

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!