澳門通 特別活動85折著數

澳門優惠 特別活動85折著數 0

澳門優惠 特別活動85折著數 1

澳門優惠 特別活動85折著數 2

澳門優惠 特別活動85折著數 3

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!

【Special Offers】
AlipayHK and MPay users are entitled to enjoy special offer in both “Galaxy Macau™” and “Broadway Macau™”!
無論你係AlipayHK定係MPay用戶,去 「澳門銀河」、「澳門百老匯」都有現金券同優惠券可以選購~咁多選擇,簡直係中西文化交融,想食中餐、西餐、早午晚餐同飲下午茶或摸杯底都任你揀!睇睇有咩優惠先!
AlipayHK and MPay users are both entitled to buy the cash coupons and vouchers on the corresponding platforms! What a cultural fusion of Chinese and western culture with so many choices! Vouchers of Chinese food or western food and all day long offers from breakfast to dinner are all ready for your selection. Let’s check these out!
📅Purchase Period: From now til 30 June 2023 (While stock lasts)
📅Redemption Period: From now til 30 Sep 2023
1. 豚王拉麵
2. 蒙特卡洛巴黎咖啡館
4. 鹿港小鎮
5. 百樂潮州酒樓
6. 彭慶記
7. Passion. by Gérard Dubois
8. 庭園意大利餐廳
9. The Apron 蠔吧扒房
10. 喜盛鐵板燒
11. 巧麵館
🌟 15% off on Galaxy Macau F&B $300 Cash Coupon and F&B $500 Cash Coupon! Participating Outlets:
1. Butao Ramen
2. Café de Paris Monte-Carlo
4. Lugang Café
5. Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant
6. Pang’s Kitchen
7. Passion. by Gérard Dubois
8. Terrazza Italian Restaurant
9. The Apron Oyster Bar & Grill
10. Yoshimori Teppanyaki
11. The Noodle Kitchen
1. 福龍葡國餐
2. 匯食坊
3. 杜小月
🌟 15% off on Broadway Macau F&B $100 Cash Coupon:
Only applicable to the bellowing outlets:
1. Dragon Portuguese Cuisine
2. Wui Sik Fong
3. Du Hsiao Yueh
1. CHA BEI 雙人晚餐套餐
CHA BEI Dinner Set for 2 persons
The dinner set takes inspiration from the season and curating recipes that are both delicious and nourishing, bringing together simple, quality ingredients from around the world to achieve big flavors on the plate and elevating humble dishes to a fine art. (Not applicable on, 1st May, 26th May, 22nd June, 30th September 2023)
2. 蒙特卡洛巴黎咖啡館雙人下午茶
Café de Paris Monte-Carlo Afternoon Tea Set for 2 persons
A three-tier afternoon tea of French sweets and savories, traditional scones are served on the bottom tier; with foie gras terrine, lobster & crab sandwich, salmon blinis, and beef tartare toast with caviar on the middle tier. Exquisite macarons, mini canele and strawberry tarts on the top tier will end your experience on a sweet note. Book your table now and indulge in the delightful aromas of an idyllic summers afternoon.
3. 奈和美日式便當套餐 (三選一)
A. 醬油漬三文魚蓋飯定食
B. 黑豚肉生薑燒便當定食
C. 唐揚炸雞蓋飯定食
Nagomi Japanese Bento Set (Choose 1 from 3) A. Marinated Salmon don set
B. Shogayaki bento set
C. Karaage don set
The above sets include Chawanmushi, fresh fruits, daily cake, coffee or tea
(Not applicable on 14th May; 26th May-28th May; 18th June; 22nd June-25th June; 29th September- 30th September.)
4. 奈和美日式輕芝士蛋糕
Nagomi Japanese soufflé cheesecake (1LB)
Light and fluffy soufflé-style cheesecake made with 100% Hokkaido milk.
💙AlipayHK用戶︰記得畀錢前到「A+ Rewards」澳門地區專頁內選購。
❓How to buy the cash coupons or vouchers?
💙AlipayHK users: Buy the the cash coupons or vouchers in “A+ Rewards” page before you pay.
🧡MPay users: Tap the bottom icon “mCoin” of MPay app and then buy on the “mCoin” platform.
❓How to use?
Illustrate the relevant coupons or vouchers to the staff before checking the bill in the designated outlets in “Galaxy Macau™” or “Broadway Macau™”.
Terms & Conditions apply.
條款 -「澳門銀河」$300餐飲現金券、「澳門銀河」$500餐飲現金券︰
1. 此券只適用於「澳門銀河」綜合度假城之指定商戶。
2. 請先查看「澳門銀河」官網瞭解適用餐廳之最新營業情況。
3. 此券有效日期:2023年4月3日 - 2023年9月30日。 (不可用日期: 2023年4月5,7-10日, 5月1,26日, 6月22日,9月30日)
4. 此券不得交換、兌換現金、不能作部份兌換及不得作售賣用途。
5. 此券不可與其他推廣、折扣優惠、禮券、現金券及餐飲代金券一同使用。
6. 新銀河娛樂2006有限公司(以下簡稱為「本公司」)保留修訂或更改可使用商戶名單,而不作另行通知。
7. 本公司保留隨時在不另行通知及不作任何彌償的情況下隨時終止或取消此優惠之絕對權利。
8. 如有對此細則及條款的任何爭議,本公司保留最終裁決權。
9. 本公司亦有權隨時修訂或更改此細則及條 款,並不作另行通知。
條款 - 「澳門百老匯」$100餐飲現金券︰
1. 此電子現金券只適用於2023年4月03日至9月30日 。
2. 代金券每人每次可疊加使用3張,不兌現、不找零。
3. 僅限堂食,不提供餐前外帶,餐畢未吃完可打包,打包費用詳情請諮詢商家。
4. 此電子現金券不可與其他推廣、折扣、優惠同時使用。
5. 此電子現金券僅一次消費有效,未使用完的餘額不可再次使用。
6. 此電子現金券不得兌換現金、不能作部份兌換及不可轉售。
7. 優惠券將不接受任何截圖、如優惠券被盜、遺失或以任何方式竄改將不獲接受或補發。
8. 新銀河娛樂2006有限公司(以下簡稱為「本公司」)保留修訂任何條款或隨時終止推廣活動之所有權利,並不作另行通知。
9. 倘有任何意見或爭論,則以本公司之決策為最終決定。
條款 - CHA BEI 雙人晚餐套餐︰
1. 此券只適用於CHA BEI, 適用時間為每晚18:00 - 20:30。
2. 請先查看「澳門銀河™」官網瞭解適用餐廳之最新營業情況。
3. 此券有效日期:2023年4月3日 - 2023年9月30日。 (不可用日期: 2023年4月5,7-10日, 5月1,26日, 6月22日,9月30日)
4. 此券不得交換、兌換現金、不能作部份兌換及不得作售賣用途。
5. 此券不可與其他推廣、折扣優惠、禮券、現金券及餐飲代金券一同使用。
6. 新銀河娛樂2006有限公司(以下簡稱為「本公司」)保留修訂或更改可使用商戶名單,而不作另行通知。
7. 本公司保留隨時在不另行通知及不作任何彌償的情況下隨時終止或取消此優惠之絕對權利。
8. 如有對此細則及條款的任何爭議,本公司保留最終裁決權。
9. 本公司亦有權隨時修訂或更改此細則及條
10. 款,並不作另行通知。
條款 - 蒙特卡洛巴黎咖啡館雙人下午茶︰
1. 此券只適用於蒙特卡洛巴黎咖啡館,適用時間為每天15:00 - 17:30,並需於有效期前使用。
2. 客人須致電蒙特卡洛巴黎咖啡館提前預訂,並告知蒙特卡洛巴黎咖啡館將使用此優惠券。
3. 此券不可轉讓、兌換現金或部分贖回、轉售及只供一次性使用。
4. 此券不能與其他優惠券和/或折扣同時使用。
5. 營業時間如有更改,恕不另行通知。
6. 新銀河娛樂2006有限公司恕不接受或補發任何遺失、過期、經汙損、經毀損、殘缺、被盜、更改或以任何方式竄改之代金券,本公司以至其管理層及員工均不會對上述餐券之缺失負上任何責任。
7. 所有申索或爭議等事宜,新銀河娛樂2006有限公司均擁有最終之決定權。
條款 - 奈和美日式便當套餐︰
1. 需提前至少三日預定
2. 限堂食,不設打包或外賣
3. 每份便當為一人份量
4. 此優惠不可與其他優惠、折扣、積分或現金券同時使用
5. 不可拆單/分檯
6. 每次消費最多可使用四張
7. 此優惠只在活動期內有效
8. 最後點餐時間為19:30
9. 以下日子不適用:4月5日-4月10日;4月29日-5月5日;5月14日;5月26日-5月28日;6月18日;6月22日-6月25日;9月29日-9月30日
條款 - 奈和美日式輕芝士蛋糕︰
1. 需提前至少三日預定並於預定時告知券號,商家會提前核銷券號。
2. 不可堂食,只可外賣。
3. 此優惠不可與其他優惠、折扣、積分或現金券同時使用。
4. 不可拆單/分檯。
5. 每次消費最多可使用1張。
6. 需於活動期內兌換及領取蛋糕。
7. 不可更換蛋糕款式和尺寸。
8. 不設補差價更換蛋糕款式和尺寸。
Terms and Conditions - Galaxy Macau F&B $300 Cash Coupon, Galaxy Macau F&B $500 Cash Coupon:
1. This voucher can only be used at the designated outlets in Galaxy Macau.
2. Please check the Galaxy Macau official website for the latest operation hours of designated outlets.
3. This voucher is valid from 3rd April to 28th September, 2023. (Not applicable on 5th April, 7th-10th April, 1st May, 26th May, 22nd June, 30th September 2023)
4. This voucher is non-transferable, cannot be exchanged for cash or for partial redemption and not for resale.
5. This voucher cannot be used in conjunction with other vouchers, promotional offers or discounts.
6. The above list of designated outlets can be subject to change and revision at any time in the sole and absolute discretion of New Galaxy Entertainment 2006 Company Limited (“Galaxy”) without notice or recourse.
7. This coupon may be canceled or withdrawn at any time in the sole and absolute discretion of Galaxy without notice or recourse.
8. In the event of disputes relating to the use of this coupon, Galaxy reserves the sole right to make the final and binding decision. Galaxy also reserves the sole right to make the final and binding decision.
9. Galaxy Macau also reserves the sole right to amend or change these terms and conditions at any time without notice or recourse.
Terms and Conditions - Broadway Macau F&B $100 Cash Coupon:
1. This e-cash voucher is only valid from April 03 to September 30, 2023.
2. Each person can stack up to 3 coupons each time, and they will not be cashed or given change.
3. For dine-in only, no take away, take away is available after the meal is finished, please consult the restaurant for details on the packing fee.
4. This e-voucher cannot be used in conjunction with other vouchers and promotional offers and/or discounts.
5. This e-voucher is only valid for one consumption, and the unused balance cannot be used again.
6. This e-voucher is non-transferable, cannot be exchanged for cash or for partial redemption and not for resale.
7. Coupons will not accept any screenshots, and coupons will not be accepted or reissued if they are stolen, lost or tampered with in any way.
8. New Galaxy Entertainment 2006 Limited (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") reserves all rights to amend any terms or terminate the promotion at any time without prior notice.
9. All matters and disputes will be subject to the final decision of New Galaxy Entertainment 2006 Limited.
Terms and Conditions - CHA BEI Dinner Set for 2 persons:
1. This voucher can only be used at CHA BEI, serving hour at 18:00 - 20:30 every night.
2. Please check the "Galaxy Macau™" official website for the latest operation hours of designated outlets.
3. This voucher is valid from 3rd April to 28th September, 2023. (Not applicable on 5th April, 7th-10th April, 1st May, 26th May, 22nd June, 30th September 2023)
4. This voucher is non-transferable, cannot be exchanged for cash or for partial redemption and not for resale.
5. This voucher cannot be used in conjunction with other vouchers, promotional offers or discounts.
6. The above list of designated outlets can be subject to change and revision at any time in the sole and absolute discretion of New Galaxy Entertainment 2006 Company Limited (“Galaxy”) without notice or recourse.
7. This coupon may be canceled or withdrawn at any time in the sole and absolute discretion of Galaxy without notice or recourse.
8. In the event of disputes relating to the use of this coupon, Galaxy reserves the sole right to make the final and binding decision. Galaxy also reserves the sole right to make the final and binding decision.
9. Galaxy Macau also reserves the sole right to amend or change these terms and conditions at any time without notice or recourse.
Terms and Conditions - Café de Paris Afternoon Tea Set for 2 persons:
1. The Coupon can be used at Cafe de Paris only, serving hours at 15:00-17:30 everyday and must be redeemed on or before the expiry date.
2. The Coupon is non-transferable, cannot be exchanged for cash or for partial redemption, reproduction, sale, resale or trade of a Coupon is strictly prohibited. Any attempt to carry out any of these will potentially void the Coupon at the Company’s discretion.
3. The Coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer or discount.
4. The outlet where the coupon is applicable and the operation hours are subject to change without prior notice.
5. Terms of use of the coupon: Guest should call to Café de Paris to make advance reservation and inform Café de Paris that coupon will be used.
6. Galaxy Macau reserves the right for final decision if any dispute arises.
Terms and Conditions - Nagomi Japanese Bento Set︰
1. 3 days advance booking is required
2. For dine in only, take away is not applicable
3. One Bento set only for one person to consume
4. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any promotional offers or membership discounts.
5. Split transactions are not allowed.
6. Maximum 4 sets can be redeemed for 1 transaction with 1 table.
7. This offer is only available during this promotion period.
8. Last order time is 19:30.
9. Blackout dates: 5th April -10th April; 29th April-5th May; 14th May; 26th May-28th May; 18th June; 22nd June-25th June; 29th September- 30th September.
Terms and Conditions - Nagomi Japanese soufflé cheesecake (1LB):
1.3 days advance booking with redemption is required.
2. Take away only, not available for dine in.
3.This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any promotional offers or membership discounts.
4. Split transactions are not allowed.
5.Maximum 1 piece of cake can be redeemed for 1 transaction.
6.Pick up date must be within this promotion period.
7.Cannot change to other kinds of cakes and other sizes of cakes
8.Cannot change to other kinds of cakes and other sizes of cakes by paying price difference.


資料來源: 澳門通

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!