永利 醉人心弦的SW之夜推介


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A Symphony of Flavors and Melodies at SW Steakhouse

每到周末,#永利扒房 將變身成為躍動心靈的迷你樂園。在最後的劇場表演後,我們的駐場樂隊便會登上舞台,為你獻上一首首醉人心弦的樂曲,亦為這個特別的520之夜彈奏。與另一半在晚餐後談情,邊享受特調雞尾酒及精緻小食,邊沉浸於現場音樂中。

立即預訂,讓我們為愛乾杯。 bit.ly/41DMFAr

SW Steakhouse transforms into a haven of captivating vibes every Saturday night. Post the final theatrical show, our house band takes the stage, setting the tone for a truly magical 520 evening. Treat your loved one to an exquisite dinner , lingering through to midnight. Revel in live music , sumptuous snacks, crafted cocktails , and an enchanting romantic ambiance.

Book your table today and #Celebrate520 at Wynn! bit.ly/42WuB5r

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資料來源: 永利

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