澳門試用裝 眼鏡88 5天試戴體驗 送試用裝 + agnès b. CAFÉ禮券

澳門優惠 眼鏡88 5天試戴體驗 送試用裝 + agnès b. CAFÉ禮券 0

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【免費】全新dailies total 1™散光con,眼鏡88率先發售!大家期待已久,dailies total 1™水凝.層遞隱形眼鏡終於加添最新成員 散光con,舒適¹ + 穩定² + 清晰²!從此以後,dailies total 1™ water lens都可以令有散光嘅眼睛一樣咁舒適!即日起dailies total 1™散光con率先於眼鏡88推出!water lens獨有水凝層遞科技³,鏡面含水量接近100%³,歐盟認證,減少戴con時眼乾不適⁴,時刻維持水潤舒適。即刻登記睇驗極致舒適啦!成功試戴後,即送你5天試用裝 + agnès b. café禮券 價值 $82。

¹ in a clinical trial to assess overall performance of dailies total1® for astigmatism lenses where n=134 patients; alcon data on file, 2021.

² in a clinical trial to evaluate stability of axis orientation of dailies total1® for astigmatism lenses where n=47; alcon data on file, 2020.

³ thekveli s, qui y, kapoor y, kumi a, liang w, pruitt j. structure-property relationship of delefilcon a lenses. cont lens anterior eye. 2012; 35(supp1): e14.

⁴ delefilcon a water gradient one-day contact lenses (uv hevl) instructions for use eu master text

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資料來源: 澳門試用裝

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