永利 永利辦橄欖球體驗日推廣

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Wynn rugby experience day promotes sports for all

永利於2023年5月21日聯同 @Macau Bats Rugby Club 舉辦橄欖球體驗日,讓參加者體驗這項極富動感的體育項目。活動假澳門國際學校草地舉行,共有近90位6-12歲兒童及家長參與。在專業教練的陪同和指導下,參加者得以了解橄欖球的規則和技巧,並在綠茵草坪上盡情揮灑汗水,感受橄欖球帶來的樂趣!

早前,永利亦與Macau Rugby Club 合辦了團隊成員的親子專場‍‍‍,讓家長藉著有益身心的活動來陪伴孩子,積極推動親子關係及家庭和諧。


Wynn, in collaboration with the Macau Bats Rugby Club, organized a rugby experience day on May 21, 2023 to promote the popular sport played worldwide. Held on the lawn of The International School of Macao, the open day saw nearly 90 children aged 6 to 12 and their parents participate in the event. Under the guidance of professional trainers, the kids were taught rugby rules and techniques and got to experience the excitement of the sport on the lawn.

In addition, Wynn also held a parental rugby experience session with the Macau Rugby Club earlier, providing an opportunity for team members to spend quality family time with their children while promoting harmonious family relationships.

The open day aimed to introduce rugby to the community of all ages and encourage people to participate in regular sports activities.

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資料來源: 永利

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