銀河 清癒養心之旅推廣

澳門優惠 清癒養心之旅推廣 0

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澳門悦榕 SPA為您打造一場150分鐘的夏日養心之旅。療程由抹茶椰子美體磨砂開始,溫和軟化並清除皮膚上的雜質。隨後搭配潤澤效果極佳的蜂蜜牛油果美體潤膚,細膩地滋養每一寸肌膚。再迎接寧心的清癒按摩,溫熱的肉桂與香茜按摩油搭配上草藥手套,輕輕在淋巴結周圍賦予柔軟細膩的按壓,增強血液循環並改善免疫力。療程後享受精美養生茶點,助您養心靜氣,身心靈重拾平衡。

立即預約:+853 8883 6633

【Green Detox】
Exfoliate, hydrate, and relax with 150-minute pampering spa treatment to get ready for the summer. Start with a Matcha and Coconut Body Scrub that gently draws the impurities from your skin, followed by the nourishing Honey Avocado Body Wrap to sooth every inch of your body. Completing the treatment with the Restorative Detox massage, featuring a soft and delicate pressure massage around the lymph nodes to further bolster your immune system. Enjoy the green refreshments after the treatment, the journey will put you in a state of blissful relaxation.

Promotion Period: Jun 5- Aug 31
Book now: +853 8883 6633

#澳門銀河 #澳門悦榕SPA #水療 #放鬆身心 #消除疲勞 #療程 #身心靈平衡 #GalaxyMacau #BanyanTreeSpaMacau #relax #mindfulness #recharge #Summer


資料來源: 銀河

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