HK Express Phuket 夏日活力水上玩耍,票價低至HKD168。

澳門優惠 Phuket 夏日活力水上玩耍,票價低至HKD168。 0

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!

【Summer Carnival! Welcome the season with energetic water activities in Phuket】

嘩!夏天嚟喇,係時候收拾好心情同埋行李,迎接即將來臨嘅夏日之旅啦!布吉單程票價低至HKD168*,熱愛水上活動嘅你一定唔可以錯過!布吉係一個既可以俾你輕鬆放空同時又刺激感爆燈嘅地方。炎炎夏日,不妨挑戰滑翔傘,去外島浮潛睇超靚珊瑚礁,然後再玩埋水上樂園!一連串精彩水上活動,淨係諗吓都覺得非常消暑!識玩嘅,梗係同一班朋友或者屋企人住一整棟 Villa,唔單止擁有自己嘅私人空間,仲可以包曬成個泳池同無敵海景,完美嘅假期,一個字——「正」~即刻Book機票展開難忘嘅夏日假期:


You have all the reason to feel excited, as summer has arrived! It’s the perfect time to get your travel mood set, pack your bags, and immerse yourself in the joy of summer! With the one-way ticket to Phuket starting as low as HKD168*, you simply cant afford to miss out! Phuket is a holiday paradise that offers both relaxing vacations and thrilling experiences. Unleash your adventurous side, challenge yourself with paragliding, snorkel to admire beautiful coral reefs, and have fun in the water park! Even just imagining it can make you feel cool and refreshed amid the summer heat! Travel with your family and friends and choose to stay in a villa in Phuket, not only can you have a private space, but you can also enjoy a swimming pool and an unbeatable sea view, it’s definitely a perfect trip. Everything screams awesome when you’re in Phuket.

Your unforgettable summer adventure begins with a simple step— purchasing your air tickets from the here! What are you waiting for?

Booking period: Now until May 28, 2023 (23:59)
Travel period: 27 May – 12 Jul 2023

*Limited availability. Terms and conditions apply. The offer is only valid for round-trip bookings originating from Hong Kong. Fares do not include taxes and surcharges. The final settlement amount is subject to exchange rate; please refer to the system display.​

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資料來源: HK Express

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!